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1.1k · Dec 2012
The Perfect Sample
Emma Chatterton Dec 2012
The perfect sample to my beat.

Almost unbelievable, almost life-saving, almost perfect.
You are my modern-day knight in shining armor.
Replacing a black steed with regal black automobile, you rescued me just in the nick of a breakdown.
Unintentionally, you won me over with your silence instead of a heartfelt poetry.
Like myth proven to be a fact, I found a reflection of myself.
Not the perfect match but the ultimate fit.

As vivid as the object my eyes stared , the memory of the night I turned around to face a friend only to see the cause of my smiles and laughter.
Like the most beautiful work of art, we are complicated, flawed but complimented with its beauty and took time to perfect.
The sleepless nights, contemplating your worth because of HER . . . taught me a level of understanding I never thought I had.
Your actions that caused aggravation taught me patience.
The most cliché but as true as it can get, you bring out the best in me.

You see me the way no one else can.
My faults to others are adorable traits that you have come to accept.
A simple stroke with your fingers down my spine could send me in a whirlwind of emotions.
Caressing my cheeks and then tucking the string of hair that was hiding a fraction of my face behind my ear; you looked at me.
I watched your eyes carefully studying the details of my face. The way you kissed my pathetic excuse for freckles on my cheeks.
Rubbing my bottom lip softly with your thumb, you made me feel like I was all that existed in your world.

The perfect cocktail to sip whilst enjoying my nicotine addiction.
The perfect day to make up for the gloomy one before.
The perfect laugh that comes from the heart.
The perfect sample to my beat.
You happened to be the reason of it all.
861 · Oct 2012
These Are The Days
Emma Chatterton Oct 2012
These days you barely say my name, hardly  hold me close the way you did once before.

These days I wonder if the love you have for me still beats as hard as it use to.

These days in the many ways possible, forgetting to remind me I’m yours is something you do willingly.

These days I keep wondering if we need a resolution to the problem i never knew existed.

These days the covers of your bed replace your loving arms as I sleep.

These days I wake up in search for the warm and familiar kiss that used to greet me with eagerness.

These days I seek solitude and comfort in the bars of a song instead of your once-claimed unconditional compassion towards me.

These days I often seek in fear for assurance of the love you have for me through your jaded eyes.

These days I can’t differentiate resentment and contentment.

These days I question if my love is unrequited.

These days I contemplate whether respect still play as big of a role.

These days I struggle to feel those that once overcame my every being.

These days I struggle to believe all that I used to.
836 · Oct 2012
untitled for you
Emma Chatterton Oct 2012
cut me a slice of heaven.

let the creamy happiness tickle my lips.

ever since you dipped your feet in my pond, relentlessly and without fear; my walls came crumbling down.

it’s easier to feel the bliss, than to admit to the whole world the affect you have on me.

as the surface of my nails graze against your arm gently, i felt a jolt.

the way you look into me when no light played a part.

the way you pulled me just that much closer to you, it’s as if you could hear how fast my heart was beating in the dead silence of the room.

i gave in to your embrace, i gave in to the way you whispered, darling.

i gave in my whole body, heart and soul to you. to your trap.

all it took was one gentle pull.

the kiss that you planted on my forehead, sealed the deal.

i was yours to hold, to keep and to break into a million pieces.

do to me what you will.

for your love is the only one i want to experience.

for your love is the only thing that can shake me to the core.

for your love is powerful enough to break the unbreakable.

**i would rather have you for a moment than never at all in my lifetime.
779 · Dec 2012
Emma Chatterton Dec 2012
I dedicate my all to you, I am your answer.
Every bit of you has been engraved on my soul and no attempted Armageddon could shake them away.
Drained physically from the tribulations the world had to offer, my heart still beamed excitedly at the sight of you.
Like clockwork, you placed the crown that reigned me Empress of your bed and there wasn’t anything more I could muster but surrender.
Temporary it may be, I soaked each blissful drop of time.
A tiny curl formed at the corner of my mouth, as you subconsciously slid your form close almost exiling the idea of space.
Once fitted perfectly into my arms, head nuzzled in neck resembling a longing for its rightful place; I caught a glimpse of your vulnerabilities.
Your soft and inconsistent snore was almost a lullaby that gave validation.

There was never a need for you to return the love I felt, only a selfish want.
To acknowledge what I felt for you was not in vain, but a need I yearned.
641 · Dec 2012
April 10, 2012
Emma Chatterton Dec 2012
I never quite understood how it would be to yearn for someone until the cruel distance snatched you from my very arms.
Nights seem darker than they once were and the loneliness was unmercifully relentless. The absence of your presence made my every waking moment a battle which I pray to survive from.

I never quite understood the meaning of the word miss until your presence feels almost lost in the thin and hot air of my everyday.

I never quite knew or thought I would ever understand the meaning of complete until you left us for what was promised momentarily. I despise each breath I inhale without you being there breathing the same air.
I loathe distance for it has the power to take my very being and question its vitality.
I hate time for never giving me enough of it for the times you were there next to me and for torturing me with too much of it for each second that I am without you.

I never quite understood the meaning of you; until you took my cocoon I so dependently attached myself to. And left me without you, which almost seems like depriving a human being without the gift of life itself.

All I understand now is the meaning of wait. Which is all I know to do and will forever do, for you.

— The End —