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Kick me out
Trow me away
Break my bones with those sticks and stones
Dig my grave
Bury me deep
Give me a mercy killing
and now the torment shall begin
i never wanted to be alone
but somehow i always ended up that way
the years that i cried
and the tears that i shed

if i counted all my tears
pandora would turn green with envy

though i know you gone
i cant help but hope you'll be back
even though i know this could never be
i've lost you and i know that i'll never have you back

if i couned all my tears
pandora would turn green with envy
dont ever think that i dont care
your troubles are your own
dont ever think you've got a share
of money fame and bones
my killer instincts say im wrong for you
but you keep saying your wrong for me
the relief i felt was so intence
i feared the breaking of your heart
so then we went our seperate ways
you to the left
and me to the right
dont ever think that i didnt care
I can't thank you enough
for the deed you did today
I can't thank you enough
for the word you didn't say
I can't thank you enough
for the hand you gave me then
I can't thank you enough
for the light you didn't dim

I know the truth now
You saved me from a life of woe
I can't thank you enough

I can't thank you enough
for not turning away
I can't thank you enough
for making it my special day
I can't thank you enough
for knowing that you'll always stay

You'll stay for eternity with me
almost dead
floating around in a river
almost dead
slowly swaying to the music of the earth
almost dead
a light is fading

i see darkness creeping in on me
i see everything around me dead

almost dead
sinking to the bottom
almost dead
choking on the breath of life
almost dead
loosing consciousness

the day i died was the day i was freed
i promised you a world of your own
i promised that you'd never be alone
im sorry but these promises i make
have come and gone all to late

i promised that you had a home
i promised you a hand to help you up
im sorry but these promises i make
will not come true, but they wernt all fake

i made promises i couldnt keep
i made hopes rise and then fall heavier than before
i saw what you needed
i saw your pain

i wanted to help but couldnt
i made promises that i couldnt keep
and im sorry

im sorry.......
i love you
you found your way to the center
the center of my labyrinth of memories

don't congratulate yourself just yet
you may have made your way here
but how will you get out with no exit......

you thought yourself pretty clever didn't you
thought you could wander around without the consequences
well your wrong mwa ha ha ha.......

your trapped       ( crack crack shatter)

this is the sound of your sanity breaking
the walls of your conscious closing
and all of your memories fading away

poor unfortunate soul
just an empty shell now
your eyes are blank
with only the last traces of the tears from your last moments of  consciousness
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