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i look through my window
and i see my life looking back

i look through my window
and i see what my could have been

i look through my window
and i see my death

a death so beautiful and serine
it looks like im sleeping
sleeping on a bed of satin
flowing down a river
a single rose between my hands
with red hair floating around me
like a halo
i couldn't wait to see the sunrise
a sunrise just for you

i couldn't wait to see the sunset
with all its colours free

i saw my sunrise and set
i saw it rain, i saw it pour
i saw my rainbow once again
once again and once more
red- the colour of love
blue- the colour of contentment
green- of friendship
and others of such loveliness
that its impossible to describe

but here it is
laid out before you
the sunrise and sunset
and the rainbows with all its colours
colours of such loveliness
you and me
shall lovers die
that what you said when you arrived

you and me
we'll roam the world
all our dreams shall be unfurled

now its just you. no me anymore
thats what i said when i stalked out your door
leaving you to the pleasures of the woman whos arms i saw draped round your neck

you and me
shall lovers die
that was a dream, its all just a lie
walking down a road
a road paved with good intentions
i stare only ahead
at the things that can never be
because it has already been

i sit and wonder
listening to all of your thoughts
and i listen to the lies
the lies that you told me
i remember one very disinctly
and so it went 'i love you'

see there goes another lie
i now sit and stare
on a road paved with good intentions
i am but a shadow of my former self
with a mask on my face
and a pen in my hand

i can see behind the mask you wear
i can see the emotions behind your eyes
i can see the intentions written plain across your face

but listen to this
my mask has begun to slip
a part  of me snaps

but now listen to this
my mask has fallen from my face
and breaks upon the floor

now you can see me
as i truly am
no mask to show you an imposter

but the real me
me as i truly am
they left me alone
all alone in the darkness

they left me alone
you left me alone
and it hurt
i saw myself fading away

im fading away
with nothing to do but watch
watch as my hands turn to dust
and my eyes turn into stars

now i can see the world
the world as it should have been
i looked into the future and i saw my death
i cried at this
tears flowed from my sightless eyes
my blind yet piercing eyes couldn't comprehend what i had seen
my heart beating loudly from within my throat
as my mouth gaped open i a silent scream
and then i realized
the nightmare had struck again.....
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