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Apr 2017 · 296
When It Hurts at 2:40am
Emily Renae Apr 2017
When I look at you, you see right through me.
You will never understand me. And I’m glad.
Because I am a person who carries more pain than your soul has been allowed.
You are simple, but I am a hurricane.

I hope you know that I will never let you in.
I will never put you before me.
I will always put myself first.

I say it doesn’t even hurt me.
It doesn’t hurt to leave you wounded and wondering why I walked away so easily.
If it doesn’t hurt, why am I laying in a ball on my floor at 2:20am?
Why can’t I stop crying?

You are a brick wall and I am a waterfall.
So how do I make it stop?
The pain in your eyes has ripped me in half.
I don’t think I will ever heal.
Sep 2016 · 284
How It Feels To Be 21
Emily Renae Sep 2016
Wasted time with you.
We're wasted,
"We're wasting our lives", they say.
But time with you has never been about waiting.
You taught me how to grow bold in the face of my fears and failures.
Wasting time with you, I'd rather be.
Waiting for you. Waiting for you.
Sep 2016 · 281
Emily Renae Sep 2016
The glittering eyes of a child see,
A world bathed in pervasive sunlight and honesty
I come home and see tears in the eyes of my mother
Grief is an unfamiliar trespasser
A twinge of sorrow permeates before briskly departing
Innocence lingers if only for a moment longer
Sep 2016 · 321
A Fantasy
Emily Renae Sep 2016
Your eyes scare me
They remind me,
Of the passion I am capable of.
A thin line,
Between eroticism and sanity
I would love you in squalor or prosperity
1,000 lifetimes is too short
For all of the ways you enamor

— The End —