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Emily Raso Oct 2012
If I owned the world, I've give you the sea.
I'd gather all the birds to sing you a melody.
If I owned the world I'd pull down the moon,
just to see the way that it glows off of you.
If I owned the world, I'd move all the mountains
and form colonies of mountain people with mountain trees.
I'd let them know whenever you got sad, so each would
stand on these mountains at hand and shout to the sky
"Dear Robyn, spread your wings and fly".
But when I think real deep, and gather these thoughts in mind.
It's unrealistic to think I could provide you with all of these things.
I could wish from a genie, to let me to decide. How to treat a girl
who descended from the sky. All I have is this pen and paper at hand.
And all of these dreams without a plan. For now I can give you my hand to hold.
And these cold winter bones, and my eyes full of soul. I could give you the clothes
on my body too, and my heart whenever yours caves through.
I'm grateful for the times I have spent with you, I hope and assure there are more to come.
So for now, I will write these words and hope that you see. If I owned the world.. it wouldn't
make a difference if I couldn't have you with me.
Emily Raso Oct 2012
Draw your swords, young lovers.
You have blinded the light,
and now you're both covered in soars.
Listen to these words and grab them to the core.
Young lovers, won't you realize it shouldn't be a chore,
to feel love,  and have someone to adore.
Let your ego down,  send it away on a ship.
Before your heart breaks apart and sails into the abyss.
Young lovers, don't you see?
Moments like these **** your integrity.
Shut your mouths, open your eyes, speak no words, & come to realize.
At the end of the day when tears are shed,
the only person you want to mend your heart is the one who want's you dead.  
Young lovers can't you comprehend.
You're killing your spirit and then laying with it in bed.
Read between each line, and try and find it's soul.
Young lovers, it's taking a toll.
The screams, and cry's do not clear your eyes,
you are blinded, blinded. blinded by your love.
It takes someone else to realize how you can't compromise the way that you each bend.
Emily Raso Oct 2012
Look for the man with a head of destruction and a tie of red.
He speaks on the radio and the television news,
Spreading hate in a country of them versus you.
With the brightest of words and the dimmest of thoughts,
With a smirk in each eye and a mouth full of lies.
Take his words carefully, uncover the truth.
The man with the red tie does not really care for you.
Emily Raso Sep 2012
It's kind of disappointing how so many people have never experienced euphoria when listening to a truly powerful song. No I'm not a hipster who thinks I'm better than someone who listens to the radio. I simply wish that others got the chance to listen to music that plays for your soul, not for your ego. In order to establish how good of a song is, think of it in this sense. When you listen, and I mean really listen. The music should carry you, and take you to an unknown land, that unfolds with each sound combining into a melody or beat. If this happens without any sort of drug stimulation then, my god, you have found beautiful music.
Emily Raso Sep 2012
When I look beyond the horizons of another day, I daydream of a time that was sealed away. We set out to become alive, walking on clouds trying to catch the infinite tide.When I gaze towards your face your eyes become undone while each glance you return tells the story  of two creatures who craved the sun. We catch each other before we let out our dark. we take each hint of pain and light it in sparks. I'm dazzled by the way your widths and curves move while frolicking along the garden of passion and truth. Grab my weary hand, I have a lot to show. Focus on the stars, try and comprehend the way that each one glows. But if you ever so happen to stray from the sun I will echo these words in hopes of a face that ignites when you're still  young. "You are beautiful, as beautiful as the sun. You're so wonderful, as wonderful as they come." inhale each letter and exhale your bad luck. Seal these words deep into your blissful heart, and remember the girl who was there from the start. The friend who will always be, even when we part.
Emily Raso Sep 2012
I can't stay with you longer than a day,
My feelings get the best of me, They try and push me away.
Have you ever felt a brick, weighing down your weight?
Like a car crash would be better than taking on another day.
Look in my eyes, They speak words I can't say.
I've got boulders in my chest leaving me dull and grey.
Love is taking my soul, I need to run away.
I am a mirage while the smoke begins to decay.
My body, my health,
I'm straying from the sun.
You got the best of my heart,
I'm on a losing streak,
You won .
Emily Raso Sep 2012
I feel nothing but something, as if a breeze brushes against your face.
I am odd and in displacement. Little tasks take a lifetime to preform, the biggest of tasks are out of the question. I am nothing, no one, just a name on a tag. I am trapped in this body alone and dead.
it's hard to breathe when you feel so dull. I am a no one, walking aimlessly to who knows where for what reason. Help, I'm alive..., I'm alive, I'm alive, living for the day.
My thoughts consume my being I am no more than a spark of dust in the wind.
Watch me crawl, watch me beg, I am no one, I am nothing, I guess I shouldn't stay.
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