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461 · May 2014
Emily O'Carroll May 2014
Everytime I close my eyes, I get a different view. Fighting both sides, yet feeling numb to it all. I do wonder where my heart has escaped to.

The mess left after a party;  something horrible made of something amazing. A ***** souvenir.

Displaying emotions like a colourcard in a paint shop. Creating excuses for tears and scars. Behaving like an alcoholic with no drink in my system.

I sleep to escape the confusion.

I can't sleep anymore.
380 · Jun 2014
Empty forever
Emily O'Carroll Jun 2014
A Tsunami heavier than any wave
Crushing you every time
Just like the first time.

A sense of acceptance.
A sense of finality to forever.

Taking the bullet for someone else.

But becoming the grenade yourself.

— The End —