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May 2012 · 766
Requiem of Dying Dreamers
Emily Laufeyson May 2012
An underwater room of wishers
Our dreams rise up and start to wither
Watching our stars sputter out
Surrounded by thick clouds of doubt
We sink under the surface to swim to shore

“The fault only lies within our stars”
But left behind are painful scars
The wounds that will not heal
We can only hope that he’ll
Be back to occupy our dreams again

A kiss farewell,
A story to tell,
Or all of the above?

For the two lovers
To hold each other
But still long for stronger love?

If only from the ground you could see the stars so clearly
The clouds swirling overhead refuse to let you nearly
See the way that I can see them
From high above with a requiem
That plays out for all our dying dreams

And reaching up on crooked, broken beams.

The weeping of those dying stars
And behind them were open doors
But the frames are warped
And the door is parked
On scratched and faded floors

The breaths of fallen soldiers and
Our fallen, failing wishes then
Would scald our hearts
And torn apart are
The scars we refuse to mend

A glare farewell,
Gossip to tell,
It’s nothing like before

For the two foes,
Their ties to close
Is what you had in store?

If only from the ground you could see the stars so clearly
The clouds swirling overhead refuse to let you nearly
See the way that I can see them
From high above with a requiem
That plays out for all our dying dreams

And reaching up on crooked, broken beams…

If you could only taste the words still blooming on your lips
You’d understand that only you are to make the fix
Hold on to the words you’re thinking
As hopeful thoughts and terms are sinking
And suddenly the information clicks

We’re reaching up on crooked, broken beams
For dreams we’d weave on weakly-knotted seams…

And those stars you’d left behind in vain
Twinkle in your eyes again
The realization you’ve yet to overcome

Even if the floor is falling out
You spoke for them, you’d scream and shout
Because the chorus sings for all those shattered men,
And somehow you’ll stand up for all of them again.
May 2012 · 628
Recipe For A Melody
Emily Laufeyson May 2012
Give me just a single moment to figure myself out
I’ve blanketed myself with my own dark curtains of doubt
I blocked out all the sunny rays
To search for many darker days
Though now I’ve lost myself to find a different route

I can’t find the right shade or hue of white that I could match
The words long to be sadder but a filter’s there to catch
All the brighter, whiter words,
Filtered through the different worlds
Of bluer skies that I've learned not to latch

Something tells me that I’m not truly at my best
When striking the bass guitar to play on higher frets
You said I sounded at my peak
When the lowest chords had gone too weak
So the longest note was the one that you had stressed

I can only play so high for you on my better days
But somehow you were fine with thinking other ways
Plastered a smile to my face
And held the last fret on my bass
And began to play your best song in a haze

I’d never heard a song that was more cheerful than this
You filled the missing measures with the chords that I had missed
And brighter days were sure to come
If I were not twice as glum
Her melody was a recipe for bliss
May 2012 · 1.4k
Emily Laufeyson May 2012
I’ve been lost in my own world for far too long
And the words on the walls still stand strong
I can hear them as well as the seashores around
Hesitation has me bolted firm to the floor

I don’t know if this is the trail I was on
Before too long the footprints were gone
And now I must mark a new place in the snow
That has coated the already-frozen gray lawn

The smells of slick ice still bite at my nose
And my feet underneath stiff from snow of maltose
I’ve been wondering for years around these blackberry fields
Planting wishes in all the surrounding meadows

I’ve given up all of my hope now so far
And the scent of lemons and mint I’ve learned to debar
Still fog up my mind with lovely new dreams
Of champagne in an elegant, white-walled boudoir

If the face of the moon reflects off of the lake
And a third sip of wine is all I can take
Then surely the morning would be dawning soon
In the colors and hues of warm orange cakes

I would hold drops of morning dew firm to my lips
As the fog danced around my still cold fingertips
I still take in the smells of the cattails and grass
And my soggy dress skirt still loose at my hips

I’ll lace those ripe berries with bangles of gold
The lyrics and verses with melodies bold
There’s just one missing note that I have yet to place
But its flavor at last has gone timidly cold

I can’t get rid of the numbing sensation still
It’s lingered on on my damp windowsill
And I can’t bring myself to shoo it away
I am numb but the feeling is dreadfully real

Those mint-woven scents have faded once more
I’ve left them all out at the foot of my door
The feeling was false and planted ideas
I hid them under my paneled wood floor

I still feel the guilt of leaving them there
Under the floors of my home in rooms that are bare
I know I should leave them to collect dust alone
But I hear their old hearts slowly open to tear

I have every power to scoop them back up
To bring memories forth in a gold-handled cup
But to flaunt them around as if some sort of gift
Had the chance to create an alarming slip-up

Then and there I’ve decided to reside to the chore
Of leaving those thoughts under floorboards once more
The thoughts still come back and claw at my ears
But they’re better off left unresolved, unexplored.

I believe that my voice is always too small
To be heard through such a towering wall
And if I had a chance to let my voice be heard
I’d create an effectively stalling icefall

The berries had ripened till they rotted at last
I’ve forgotten of feelings or thoughts from the past
I can no longer hold the dewdrops to my face
Because of numbness I can desperately never outlast.
A lyrical poem about having ideas but being too young and afraid to speak your mind. Tell me what you think. :)

— The End —