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542 · Jan 2013
The little girl you used to know
The boy you hoped for
Sits here hand in hand
Cigarette between the two
Who knows what else?
Drinks passed left and right
Needles pierce baby skin
Rings jingle on their heads
Hair hangs in braids
Multi colored
This life parents disapprove of
We don’t care anymore
The reign is ending
The revolution is starting
Time to be us
Not what you wanted us to be
Take another drag,
Hold another hand
Till the next revolution.
532 · Jan 2013
unborn to this world
light blinding tender eyes
peace never truely understood
eating your food in pieces
as you watch and listen
all around you the world is buzzing
teaming with love and hope
meaning and judgement
what is a new born girl to do?
live the way she was, trapped inside?
No! never again will she pretend
to be what they all wanted her to be
who he wanted her to be
that girl, is dead, like he is dead
deep down, she accepts this fate
deep down where everything new buds
down in her new smokey life
finally feeling free.
517 · Jun 2013
It Takes Me Back
My broken heart still beats as fast when your eyes cross over mine shreds of our life before never leave my mind.

Can't help that longing feeling for your touch again how can I move on when I never began

Take me back to the happy times when tears never fell for fear, pain was a distant memory and our love was real

Remember when we were no longer just a fling truth was more important and lies were never our thing

Then the snap back to a harsh reality when love was never the main goal but something dark in between

strangers who used to know each other all too well forgot about love and learned about hate

Take me back to the happy times when tears never fell for fear, pain was a distant memory and our love was real

Those times have left leaving broken shards and memories behind can't apologize enough for loving too much

I know I pushed and maybe got angry but I loved you so much maybe you could accept me

I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry I ****** up maybe sometimes love can just never work out
511 · May 2013
Everyday I Miss You
Every day I miss you
the way you held my hand
remember when...

you left me broken
forgotten is the way
we used to love

Everyday I miss you
more then ever before
your bright smile

the way your friends talk
behind my back
pain more then you know

Everyday I miss you
the feel of you against me
the feeling of my heart breaking

Everyday I miss you
Everyday It kills me
Everyday I wish

I could hate you
But, I can't because
Everyday I miss you
492 · Jun 2014
modern day sly butterflies
Nothing is what it seems.
It's sad when the butterflies in your stomach let you down
Starting to realize your not worth it
At least no one feels your worth it
Pretending to be strong
Standing up for myself
When I desperately want to fall.
Trying to clear a clouded mind
Intuitive heart alterations.
486 · May 2014
The River
The dream always starts the same way
Me slowly drifting down the old river
A cigarette in my mouth and
A boy calling my name

My hair flowing behind me
A perfect blend of red and gold
Seductively cute lifeless smiles
The river keeps curving round and round

Down I fall into a convenient rabbit hole
The water tainted with my attitude
Purposefully tempting me to go

The feelings don't go away
Just because you wish they would
New feeling bloom like beautiful flowers
Eyes sparkling with newly inspired desire
Waiting for the curtain to rise, and the act to begin
478 · Nov 2012
You can spit on me
The feelings I have
Might break but never crumble
You fall and I watch
As you burn in your own
Laughing as the flames grow
You can’t stop the downward
Spiral to the end
Where you sit, taking
My order, doing what I say
For once you hear
Because you can’t do anything
Else, you are waiting
For your life to begin
Forever waiting
For everything to be
Handed to you
Yet soon, it won’t be
475 · Nov 2012
Tell me again how much you hate us
You know us that new family
Sitting here practically begging for
You acceptance, your care
But how can we expect something
So mature from someone like you
You think any of this is important
Those parties and whose house you’re at
It won’t matter in a year when everyone
Changes for the worse and moves on
You don’t know how to live on your own
You don’t know how to take responsibility
You **** on those that just want to give you
Everything, people who are desperate to love you
Stop being such a spoiled brat and look around you
We are here, opening our arms and hearts
Waiting for you to realize how much we care
But then again, I hate you deep down,
Yet still crave your love and affection
Go ahead keep treating us like this
We will be the ones laughing
When you have no idea how
To live on your own in the real world
Where parties and friends take a far second
465 · Aug 2012
by the memories of my past
a painful irony
Falling to pieces
And battered
Back to my brutal reality
Where all I know is my memories
Where we met once again
Trying to push them back
Down inside buried
Locked away
Where no one can find them
Not even me
Sit back
Watch that old world burn
453 · Jan 2015
Tangled in Desire and Depression
regulated by hostility and sin
whilst those truly guilty
run wild; Controlling their prey

I see what you're doing
all the familiar games, we used to play
jealous of the love I possess
******* happiness like blood

the pain no one helped me through
darkened nights: tear drops on broken glass
the shattered remains of the girl I was
surround the monster I have become

Punch me, Cut me, make me Bleed
just don't break my heart
stitches and way too many shots
falling, deep into my blackened soul

forget who I have killed
don't remember the hearts I kept
taste the flesh under your teeth
then go home's...all...gone

screams that echo through the night
shows the terror I feel,
every time my eyes shut
pain from the past that won't let me go

I wish I could accept the future
but my mind still aches with fear
torn in two by love and pain
dancing to a bittersweet melody of self mutilation
441 · Oct 2013
Learning to Love
Maybe I should play nice?
Why can't anyone get it right?
Love, they say, is so  easy
So where's the one who truly needs me?

Sweet words off a charmed tongue
God, we are so **** young,
Ready to smack life in the face
Everyone needs to get off my case.

Youth, is a fresh state of mind
And ******* is only a matter of time,
Cause we are young, our stories untold
Sit back as our tales unfold

Where I find my only other
Using ******* as a careful cover
Not so secretly knowing life can't get any better
Without you and me forever together

So maybe it's time to play nice
Cause someone will get it right,
Love, I hope, is that easy
Now I just need to learn to love me...
441 · Aug 2012
Maybe this is right
Maybe its time
we loved, we cared
we laughed, we cried
so hard to say goodbye
we sway to the beat
at that concert
we wanted to see together
"Your My Best Friend"
that's not fair!
your my best friend too
I love you
I can't be in love with you
not anymore
its time to move on
428 · Sep 2014
Dear Dad
Dear Dad
Fighting through what seems like impossible struggles
I find myself needing your strength
The valor that dictates your life, to keep me moving forward
Honor and Integrity, those words you taught me
Helping me realize that I can be strong
You supported me and have always loved me
For every weird and awkward angle
You make me laugh, and you taught me right from wrong
Lessons learned, to be forever remembered.
Years from now when time is short
I want you to read this poem
And remember how you raised a little girl
To the woman I have become
I will hold your hand and tell you I love you
Through all the hard times ahead
But Daddy, please remember I will love you till the end.
My Father has been in and out of the hospital now for the past 7 months and now when we thought it was over, my family has been hit again. Now returning to being sick for the foreseeable future my father has become depressed and in the next couple weeks he turns 47 so this is for you Daddy. I love you
420 · Jan 2013
We are the Rain
We are the children of the rain
Forever falling to our own beat
Every drop an unwritten melody
A new story, young and unique
We are the Rain, living here and now
Washing away our old hurt
Writing our new stories
415 · Feb 2014
Midnight Chance
Skipping through the rain
forgetting all the pain
Dance like you have nowhere to be
Dance like your dancing with me.

A midnight chance is all I need
An overwhelming lustful greed
Follow me through the darkest night
Dreading the dawn, when all I have left is to write
404 · Mar 2013
The End
The end
New beginning
of a new page
My old story
Here standing tall
Facing it all
By myself
Here I am
At the end
Watching my world
Crumble at your feet
An the new life rising
Here I am
At the end
Loving you
402 · Nov 2016
The Snake
A Snake slither’s from my mouth, through shaking fingers.
What bile will I spew next?
Panic builds in the corners of my soul
The Demon’s clash, sick with laughter
Drowning in self loathing thoughts
“I didn’t mean it like that”
Their eye’s bombard the blockade of my smile
Trapped inside myself, my own personal hell

The Demon’s whisper terrible thoughts in my ear
The tender caress of my loyal enemies
Cat calls of the broken hearted
Strong reminders of the worth, I don’t have
The Snake coils around my throat.
I don’t dare fight back
The Demon’s are stronger than us all

They hold hands as they dance around my mind
Laughing at everything I do
Everything I say
Everything I dare to think
Making sure I remember who I am
worthless. ugly. stupid.

I still can hear their laughter
As the Snake crawls back down my throat
Nestling in the depths of my soul
A terrible reminder of the weight I bare
Endless nights, reliving endless days
Faded into a whisper
*“He won’t love you because of me”
378 · Jan 2013
New Years Resolution
I promise nothing
Not this year
Because I don’t know
I might need that cigarette
I might need that drink
Every once in a while
I can hope I will be a good person
But I won’t pretend
To be who I am not
I will live, that’s my promise
I will live life
For once I will
Not care
378 · Apr 2014
Playing with Fire
A heart full of dark desires
Playing with my own personal fires
Burns and bruises litter my skin
Where has my sanity been
Forever dancing in the flames
All of my ***** twisted aims
360 · May 2013
What Do I Want
What do I want
Well a lot of things
To finish my novel
There's a start
Keep up friendships
Maybe more writing
Try and find someone
Worth writing about
Maybe enough to love
Wow I’m getting old
A lot of things
That need to be done
Like get a job
Or register for college
A lot of things....
What do I want?
I don't know
358 · Apr 2013
Said Too Much?
Maybe I love you
But maybe I don’t
Maybe you could
But maybe you won’t

— The End —