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Nov 2014 · 303
Corner of the Universe
Emily Helbig Nov 2014
We went to the ends of the earth for each other.
We reached the edge of the world, and when we did, we stood together and were amazed.
Emily Helbig Mar 2014
He wasn’t a fish or a whale. He was something entirely special.
He was beautiful in the most ordinary way. He wasn’t very big and nothing about him was cause for second glance, yet he was singularly wondrous.

He had the laugh that was like the clinking of wind against purple glass.

  He was thin with a gray tail and dull scales. He swam slowly and as close to the weeds and algae as possible because, after all, he was thoroughly ordinary.

He had a smile that was not unlike the sun stretching across the sky across the water as it was slowly setting in the west.

He was plain, yet, I loved him so. When he thought no one was looking, fire erupted from his gills and his dull scales revealed themselves to be smooth fragments of beach glass. His gray tail was an ember and came to life to propel him against the tides all while he laughed like the clinking of wind against purple glass and I fell deeply in love with this extraordinary creature.

Everyday I dared to dip my small fingers into the water with the promise of capturing this remarkable being, to keep him in my hands and to watch his ordinary beauty forever would be my greatest delight. I reached for him the tips of my fingers grazing the fragments of glass that had been smoothed by wicked waves.
They were cool against my anxious skin and I felt a desire to keep this beautiful thing like I had never felt before.
To the surface I drug his aquatic soul and in my greedy palms I cradled the creature. He was spectacular, glistening in the setting sun like jade. I grinned with glee like a child ringing a bell. And then, I heard only silence. The creature could only offer me a weak smile as if his fear had finally found him and I was the shepherd of his inevitable end. His gills were frantic as if they were desperately grasping for life itself and I all at once I began to cry.

My empty fingers made a ripple in the water that seemed stretched for miles as he slipped from my hands back into the mysterious darkness. The stars reflected onto calm the waves like electric lights that melted into the reflection of the sky

A glimmers from beneath the water glinted like an ember as he swam far away.
An ordinarily beautiful piece of emerald beach glass washed up on the shore against my foot. I folded it in my palm and I laughed like the clinking of the wind against purple glass
Nov 2013 · 757
False Flames
Emily Helbig Nov 2013
My fingers test a candle’s flame as I touch your skin
Quickly, they dare to cross the brink of pain, as if taunting the blaze  
Invigorating heat for only a moment, interrupted by a stinging ache
Charring lips blur bravery and ignorance
Fire that traces my throat and thighs, leaving me blistered and spent
Smoldering is ignored by incandescence  
I am elated and chilled by the greetings of skin
Embers glow and scorch my core
Mine alone.
The inferno’s depth reaches only your skin
Heat without Warmth
Nov 2013 · 713
Streams of Unconsciousness
Emily Helbig Nov 2013
They storm in with purpose and flee without significance
Red is swallowed by white only then for green to creep through the cracks
They go forth like this, uninterrupted
The victories of March are suppressed by June
On and on they move like cattle unknowingly to their fate and I, like a sheep, cling to some shepherd who leads me only to another
A map that flips with no destination
Rushing with no time to lose in a circle
caught in a warped track leading nowhere
Like parts of a clock that nearly assemble yet fail to tick
Like seconds that add up to never make an hour
A continuous stream of days that never make a year
No conclusion, No end, No gain

— The End —