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Emily Braswell Jul 2012
I'm lost.

Could you,
Point me in the right direction?
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
You made me love you
and I hate myself for
so quickly
so smoothly

and then you stepped away to watch me crash,

That hurt.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
The silence of the night surrounds me
I'm wrapped in a thick, warm, cocoon of freedom.
Nothing can interrupt me
as I listen
to my slow, soft heartbeat.
I close my eyes
and unwind my tangled thoughts.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
Two angry glares.
One guilty party.
******** right back.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
Making love is an art.
Having *** is a *game.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
you taste like lemon popsicles  on a hot summer day
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
Her clothes slide off.
Her toes slip into the cool water.
It feels good to escape from the hot summer air.

The water rises to her hips
her navel
her *******
her shoulders
and finally
she plummets

into the blue oasis
so serene.
so quiet.
so perfect.

This is her escape.
This is her wonderland.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
I cannot wait to see him,
To smell him
To taste him
To touch him

For our bodies,
Pressed against each other...
comfortably intertwined.

So familiar this feeling
Our souls
Our minds
Our bodies
We are together.

But this will be the last time.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
I'm scared.

I'm scared to show you who I really am;
to make myself vulnerable.

I'm scared because you're all I really want.
I'm scared because I think you're different.

But I don't think things will change.
I'm never the exception.
I never will be.

I'm the rule.
And the rules always end up broken.
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
Your eyes cut me open like knives
Staring into my soul
You own me
Emily Braswell Jul 2012
Time passes by so quickly
Enjoy every second

You're alive.

— The End —