I don't want your words
Because words can lie
And I don't want your lies
No matter how accidental they are
And you shouldn't want my words either
I know I lie
I know I change my mind
And I want the words I give to you to last forever
But you do
I know what you want me to say
I know the unasked question
It's in your eyes
Your stance
Your voice
I can see it in everything you do
I hear it in everything you say
I can tell
Or I'm just imagining it
Either way
I don't know how else to tell you
What I can't say
Anything I don't say
All the things you want to hear
That I just don't
It has nothing to do with you
Or your failings or shortcomings
Which sounds like a bad breakup line
I know
But it's not
I don't want to leave you
But more than that
I want you to know
That everything I say to you
That all of it
Is absolutely true
In every possible way
I don't ever want to change that
I don't even want to risk it
You're too important
Maybe I'm just being crazy
It wouldn't be the first time
I've just always believed that words
They have power
Maybe not magical power
Or spiritual
Or physical
But whatever they have
It's enough
And I don't ever want to hurt you with them
Not even a little
So just know
When I say I miss you
I do
When I say that you are wonderful
And beautiful both inside and out
You are
When I say I love you
I mean it
Every word
Every syllable
Every letter
Always and forever
And we'll figure out the rest