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I wasn't your princess, not even your servant.
I was like the king in the next kingdom.
You memorized every wrinkle and tender spot
but you never asked how it made me feel.
your different.
your so close to being perfect
and at the same time
you make me feel like ive never seen the sun,
like ive never eaten food.
ugly.cold.hungry for you.
And i hate that.
mostly because i know you dont mean to
you call me beautiful.
but my heart just wont accept it
idk maybe it is you
or me.
either way this shouldn't hurt.
Your body was so kind to mine

like it was the first time you tasted warmth

You were so eager to dine

On my newly washed limbs

I could swear this wasn't you first

but we will let secrets like that stay under the sheets

with all the other regrets we will have after tonight

but its ok

because I love you. lover.
I will love you because I promised it was real
and true love isn't conditional
so I'll pretend we aren't falling apart
and that disappointment isn't my new best friend

I'll pretend it does not hurt
and maybe I'll start believing it
but excuse me if I trip a little on this journey of lies
sorry if i explode every now and then because it become to much
I will clean up any spillage from my heart
and like a good girlfriend
I will tell you
Why do we need men so much
more than happiness
more than honor
more than life
we just need them
we don't long for the flu
because it hurts
we don't long for nightmares
because they are scary
we don't long for the dark
because its misunderstood.
so why
do we need men so much ?!
I don't care anymore
you wouldnt allow me to
you knew good and well my heart would turn
and this love would burn
into ashes ,the wind would carry it far
and I would weep
and the next morning I wouldn't care anymore
or love anymore
or want you anymore
and its your fault.
I'm not asking the world of you
I'm not asking you to be perfect
or to take back all the crap you out me through.
Or to make everything ok,
or come back and Hold me
or kiss me like you do,
or want me like i want you
or need me the same.
or **** me one last time
or tell me your last secret.
you just took it.
like it was the last piece of gum
like you could return it if it didn't fit
or sew some cute buttons on it to make it look better.
but that was mine.
and I liked it just the way it was ,
it didn't need altering.
I didn't mind at the time because
I loved you.
I loved you.
I loved you.
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