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Jul 2012 · 680
Fun at our Expense
Emilia Vogt Jul 2012
364 days ago
I was in your arms
and you were in me
my first voluntary
deceit. We had my
head against the wall
bumping, sheets below
drenched in our scents
I locked my ankles
behind your back
which was smooth
unlike your face
rough and unshaven
for who knows how long
and we were like that
a whole week in August
hiding our lust
behind screens of axe.
334 days later,
I still won't bleed
and I don't know why
I think I wasted a life.
Jun 2012 · 947
Grasshopper Princess
Emilia Vogt Jun 2012
Lifting her flat face to the midnight sun,
thin legs pattering across
paper plains plagued with indecipherable symbols
like figures etched into the sand.
Nearly falling off the edge of land,
she clings with her feet,
continuing her journey along,
going under a ******* arch,
like entering a sacred place,
only this place looks like the one before,
and the one to come,
as she sees rows upon rows of black arches.
She is reminded of her home,
a land full of tall blades of grass,
where reside her brothers and sisters,
and all in her community,
full of life, unlike this lonely place.
Fearful of becoming lost,
she unfolds her wings,
and with her third set of limbs,
leaps and takes off.
But it is too late.
None of these lands are familiar
and there is no green in sight.
All that remains is darkness,
and unfamiliarity.
She is forever lost,
and is doomed to die alone.
A small insect was caught in my hair and ended up falling onto my journal while I was writing. I recognized it as a grasshopper, but not the ones that rassemble locusts; the ones with the flat faces void of dangerous-looking mandibles. This one had wings, though, so I thought it a queen or drone. I decided it was a princess, and wrote about her journey from there.
Jun 2012 · 604
First Frost
Emilia Vogt Jun 2012
Here cometh lady winter
with her shimmering veil of frost;
her bodice made of shining ice,
her skirt, the ****** snow.
Her skin is ever radiant,
her breath is cool and crisp.
And with her comes the silence
as the world prepares for rest.
Written by Emilia Vogt on November 4th 2011
Jun 2012 · 567
Life is Sweet
Emilia Vogt Jun 2012
The forest.
Where the closest thing
to candy
is the autumn leaves,
brightly colored
and scented sweet,
you almost want
to nibble them,
to roll in the scent
of their death.
How can death
smell so sweet?
One thing
must always die
for another to live,
so I suppose
death is
to life.
I guess
what I'm saying is:
life is sweet.
Written by Emilia Vogt in Autumn of 2011
Jun 2012 · 579
October Blue
Emilia Vogt Jun 2012
Nobody else in the world can see
the world around us quite like me.
Everyone else is depressed when it starts to rain,
but for me it washes away the pain
by encouraging the waters within to flow,
and releasing the tears I can no longer hold.
They say the sky is gray and gloom,
but I see dark shades of fluorescent blue.
Written by Emilia Vogt on Thursday October 27th 2011

— The End —