I am an earthy creature,
rooted firmly below the oaks of my surreal forest.
My persona is that of something calmer,
The water pumps quickly through my veins,
sporting my impulse,
This water causes the passion to burn in my eyes,
pay no mind,
to the intimidating fire,
that blazes beneath,
the soothing green.
It is but only natural to discuss what is believed,
and what isn't.
I don't spit fire,
but it dances within me none the less.
The wind blows lightly,
through my copper ringlets,
so refreshing;
an odd feeling, indeed!
Sometimes I forget to breath,
the gift of life.
Sometimes we as humans take all of these elements for granted. Harmony, emotion, passion, and life. The funny thing is, though; Is that they reside within us!