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Emerald Proctor Feb 2013
Glances speak louder,
than any word you've said to me,
meaningful farewells.
Emerald Proctor Feb 2013
I woke up this morning with the initiative to fall into the arms of a nervous lover;
The ideal lover.
I had the ambitions to succeed,
and I almost did.
I almost discovered that new light within me.
I had my coffee,
dark as usual;
Pretending I was drinking it with you.
I completed my homework,
because you know how much of a procrastinator I can be.
Actually, you don't.
Most would not be able to accept me at my worst,
for I have not yet learned to accept myself.
Some say I am a natural born intellect,
and I wish it were true.
I yearn for it to be true.
Placebos can be pretty convincing, you know?
Like what I form of myself when I am around you,
the kind of clay that can be formed and reformed into whatever you please.
I would gladly be anything you please.
When it comes matters of the heart,
I can be fairly childish.
You understand,
because you can be to.
You're nervous around me,
and I love that about you.
It is cute.
Yes, cute.
Intensity is not a necessity.
So, time is on our hands.
All we have is a looking glass,
darkened coffee and a looking glass.
I am a dreamer. Solid and true , That is all that is need said for this poem.
Emerald Proctor Jan 2013
Don't make me fearful,
I am just a little girl.
Say it is "Time for me to grow up." Eh?
I am just a little girl.
Don't rip me apart.
'My fault for pushing myself into the game in the first place,
it was not my right.
You're dangerous.
I am a writer,
you are the kind of person that makes me lucky to be one;
'still I'm not ready,
God please don't take me.
There are enough tainted lovers in this world,
we don't need to add to the mix.
Emerald Proctor Jan 2013
You lock yourself within the cathedral,
if only to notice the angel again.
Her lovely luminescence 'dark as the Russian night;
Scandalous as a Venetian romance.
If you could kiss  each feather, brush away small detail,
you would discover prime, purity.
Your crystallized kiss is what she searches for;
Even as the day has the routine of making love to the night.
The day will merge with the night,
as you know.
Be wary my fellow, my colleague, my love!
An angel is only as pure as the cathedral that it fell into.
You will wither with her sadism, dissipate.
She will continue on.
The other day, I had a friend of mine tell me: "All men are dogs." This statement highly offended me, as that would be the same as stating 'All women are manipulative skanks.' This is not true,  to each their own. It is not the gender that creates distortion, it is the  person itself.
Emerald Proctor Jan 2013
Leave me to revel.
I reside in the moment I tread the dark, lonesome sea that is composed of you.
So lovely, so lethargic.
Venturing for something more,
why can I discover nothing more within you?
What an empty man.
You are such a kind man.
My focal point, you know?
Where inside you can I find excitement, anticipation?
Is it possible that your feelings take refuge in the hollow of your cheeks,
or the curve of your soft, taunting smile.
How about the laugh in your eyes, your stare?
The stare that you give me because I know what makes you laugh.
Can I find the reality there?
Is it the fact that it is I who does not deserve the privilege of experiencing all of you?
Emerald Proctor Jan 2013
I have written about you before,
your beauty leaves me wordless.
Not breathless,
You increase my adrenaline to unhealthy heights.
I feel so guilty,
fantasizing your touch.
When it belongs to her.
She did nothing,
as a matter of fact she deserves you.
You do not deserve her, however.
Why, though.
You are nothing but a deceiver.
A walking facade.
Quit trying to find yourself in women that cannot bear the emotional maturity!
We cannot fix you.
Oh, but do you turn me on.
Stay here.
You and your wordless beauty, essence.
I'm not to blame.
I am innocent,
you are the one who ruined me.
Emerald Proctor Jan 2013
Here are my lyrics,
I speak them from impulse.
Here is my impulse,
it stems from my fear.
Here is my criticism,
I hand it out furiously.
Please take what I have,
and take it in vain.
Hear my soul out,
as I turn away in caution.
I will leave you dry,
will you **** me dry?
Disdain is my fortune,
lavished with riches.
Ignorance disguised as gold!
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