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Nov 2015 · 378
I know
emely Nov 2015
I know that ye’ll go with me where ever I go
I know that you’re scared of the things you don’t know
I know that it’s hard to keep up with things
I know that they‘ll try to pull you to the ground
I know that you hate it when I cry
I know that demons live in your heart
I know that it’s hard to break free
I know how hard it is to start something new
I know you but do you know me?
Feb 2015 · 478
I'm Not Lying
emely Feb 2015
I would say that I don't care what I wear but, I would be lying.
I would say that I don't care for my hair but, I would be lying.
I would say I don't care what people think about me but, I would be lying.
I would say your words don't hurt me but, I would be lying.
I would say that I have no feelings but, I would be lying.
I would say that I don't care about my broken glasses but, I would be lying. I would say I don't care about my buckteeth that stick out but, I would be lying. I would say that I'm not a lier  but, I would be lying.
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
emely Feb 2015
I'm too young to say I care for you
I'm too young to say that I'm into you
I'm to young to say that I love you
I'm too young to only think about you
I'm to young to waste my time
I'm too young to listen to all your lies
I'm too young to understand my feelings
I'm too young to care that your leaving
I'm too young I hope you understand
I'm too young but, yes I will still *******
Feb 2015 · 904
You Confuse Me
emely Feb 2015
First you say were friends,
   but then you say were best friends.
   one day you say I look good,
  then it's I'm wearing too muck lipstick.
  your glad to see me on Monday,
  but then on Tuesday you avoid me.
   you look for an excuse to touch me,
  then you try your best to hug me.
   you see me and never say "Hi".
   but when were in class you say "HELLO".
  you keep reminding me that we could be friends
  but then you try your best to hide from me.
   you say these things you don't mean
  tell me the truth and stop confusing me.
Feb 2015 · 308
I Miss Him
emely Feb 2015
I can see he's suffering,
                        the pain he's feeling,
                      his eyes are left screaming.
                       he's lips are trembling
                     "What is this sick feeling?"
                      it's starting to drown me.
                        then he starts smiling,
                       as if he's his own enemy,
                        it starts to suffocate me.
                    This feeling is more then scary.
                        As his smile grew bigger,
                      his voice much more clearer,
                      his thoughts show more danger.
              He tightly  grips onto the weapon in his hand,
               which would do whatever it commands.
                      It's too LATE! To stop him.
                        I know I can't help him,
                      so he decides to help himself.
         In less then a second my heart starts to break as,
                        I WATCHED HIM ESCAPE!!!!
Oct 2014 · 474
How She Feels
emely Oct 2014
She cringe when she looks at herself
In the mirror, she is tedium all she
Could see is what people say about her
          She has been told;
          So in her mind it's
       Very plausible that this
              Is who she is
She reprieve herself by agreeing with what
          People say about her
She  always abstain herself from
She has a plethora amount of sadness
           She wished she had
She is very tenacious of keeping what little
She has the gift she gave herself to be
                And that is her
              RESIGNATION           -By, Emely Morales N.

— The End —