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Jun 2011 · 600
Give It All Away
Em Jun 2011
Thinking long, thinking hard,
Yet am I really the puzzle for you
to solve?
Never difficult to be the one
hanging back, watches...
"hope she's happy".
It never mattered all along
I held back. Hoping just for you.

Too much hate,
Too much fear,
Too many people,
but not enough
for us.

When all along we think to ourselves,
They know our secrets, our flaws, but
do they really care?
We ask ourselves who'll pick us up
from the shelves, kiss our wounded hearts,
kiss these dusty lips. We know we're all alone.

Too little time,
Too little space,
Too little love,
yet none for

There's someone for all,
One for every other in the world
in it's entirety, had we ever paused to wonder,
what happens
Judging by the time I wrote it and who was in mind, I think inspiration (or the mood at least) kind of came from Red - Gave It All Away. The title certainly was anyway. Opinions and comments welcome :)
Jun 2011 · 634
The lonesome woods
Em Jun 2011
Dear child,
Don't be afraid to go alone.
In fear you won't find friend,
And in friends you won't find

The woods hold no sympathy,
For you, the one with nothing
Face your fears. Turn and run.

I'll hold your hand soon,
I'll say goodbyes for you,
Hold you from the fear.
Look at this,
fragmented more and more

Look at you. She's
your mind's eye and she knows it.
Has you under her thumb,
Wrapped around her finger,
Running circles around...

You are mine, day one told me so,
Now it's day 14th, 2nd.
Heartbeat all you hear from fear.
Jun 2011 · 1.0k
My Model
Em Jun 2011
And you're beautiful*

My mentor, my tutor,
Beautiful professor,
Sensei, teacher,
Incredible guardian.

You've taught me to care,
Taught me to love,
Taught me about life
and about dear loss.

You've taught me to live,
Taught me to cry
true tears for life.
Taught me to try.

You've taught me never
to give up hope,
even in the dark,
Where you hold my hand.

You've taught me to relax,
To look up instead of down,
To never refuse to smile,
and defy all those against us.

You've taught me to be me,
To be all I can be,
To move on from the pain,
And learn to live again.

Most of all my dear,
Most importantly,
You taught me and only me
to learn to let go.
I guess it looks kind of simple, but it does mean a fair deal.
Jun 2011 · 1.5k
Em Jun 2011
The words don't come easily,
No; I don't tell you enough,
Pull yourself from feeling
haunted feelings I can't return,
Push me further than intended
and lose grip on reality.

You see me in front of you?
You see be behind you,
No longer beside you.

Feelings creep into my conscience,
Was I really that bad?
Friendship's sharper than I thought,
Didn't I notice the pain I caused?
Only realised when I was burnt,
Sleepless nights full of nightmares.

Dreamless tears,
Endless fears,
Push of knives,
Rush of blood,
Think this is
penance enough?

Closer than flesh and blood,
Only tears can convey,
Holding tightly to the fear,
Let go! It's my life,
Don't remind me so many times,
How many times you felt the same,
Next time I'll tell you more often

Tell you, dear brother,
My own,
I do love you
Another soppy kind of poem I'm afraid. This one was written ages ago - just edited it up a bit so it wasn't quite so teenagey - for someone real close to me I kind of grew apart from. It's a shame really, we were best friends at one point but times move on and all!
May 2011 · 1.2k
Love Circus
Em May 2011
I thought it was time for a remodelling,
Another story to tell, pretty

So I took the ringmaster's whip,
You see? Durable. It'll last us
this night.

The next night, oh we needed to
mix it up. I took the the gypsy's

Our future was bleak. Make the
most of it. You see? This is
Better. Much better.

Fortune teller said it was a
"matter of time." ****. We
best get a move on.

  I thought you looked good
hanging from the trapeze.
Maybe too far.
Something new for me that I had a play about with. Positive and negative feedback is good, as long as it's productive! Thanks for reading.
May 2011 · 671
Till Death Do We Part
Em May 2011
It's a funny thing when
you give yourself away;
Not your father, brother,
Just you on your own.
You, yourself, and yours.

It's a funny thing when
you attend the wedding but
it's a funeral. Funny that...
Your own wedding and they dress
you in black. Stunning they say.

Sunken more like. Handing
your heart over, clutching
it real tight in your palms,
Prepare to give it away
To Death: your love.

Your lover - the crimson reaper
The skeletal devil, the hooded
redeemer. Shouldn't have done it
You whisper, as you walk up the aisle.
Too late for regrets.

Hooded redeemer waits for you,
Smile on his broken lips, he's
been waiting so long for such a
celebration. Best day of his life.
But think back and is it yours?

The moment he touches your heart
it becomes ice. You realise the end
is nigh, hold out your hand to the loved
ones but they turn away.

Sirens sound aloud
and now it's the end.

Broken up, out of luck,
where do you turn?

What a dreamer...
May 2011 · 670
Black Beauty
Em May 2011
Sit, but wander inside, wondering
over a few things we once had.
I remember the string you held
and used, wound around my hand
as you led me to the edge,
smiling, you told me this won't hurt.

I walked and wondered whether you
lied. There were plenty of times I had
doubted you. The time you told me
of your mother's suicide. Your father's
addiction. Your own.
I carry on walking, because I still believe.

I sit at the edge, wondering where
you've slipped to. The edge is sharp.
The edge is impressed. Will doubt push
me further, or have you slipped up from behind,
to cut in to my back, to twist the knife.

Remember the time we spent together,
As you lay in your cold silence in another
world. Across the pond.

Remember the time you spent lying.
Remember the time I spent hating.
Remember the tears you spent flirting.
Remember the tears I spent wasting.
A bit of a personal poem about - yeeeah - a guy that got in the way of a lot of my thoughts. Love and loss and all though.
Em May 2011
We stand again, hand in hand
Just like 'way back when',
I look left, you're still here,
I look right, you're still here.
We're all still here, but you're
both miles apart.

Do you still see me here?
Or do you see the words:
it's alright, come to me,
speak to me, I'll be your
Safety Net.

Here we go again darling,
I'll hold your hand this time
and the next.

What a glamorous game, as you all
hand each other the knives. They're
poison tipped, each end, just so
you know. Every move you make
to hurt one another, bounces

Stabbed in the back ten times,
And I'll heal your wounds.
Both of you, three of you,
crowd of you tearing each other

I'm the bridge to both of you,
And it's becoming frayed.

Back and forth across this
silver ballroom floor,
Carrying the messages
for you each,
you say sorry but the blood
is washed all over my hands.

— The End —