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1.1k · Jul 2014
it's a painful kind of love
elysianlethe Jul 2014
not the kind of pain that tickles and pokes
but the kind that knocks you back a few feet when it hits
rips the air out of your lungs
like the few moments of excruciating pain you feel when you stub your toe or clamp your hand between a door
it's an unexpected kind of pain
& your nerve endings can't help but become overwhelmed in pain

it's a greedy kind of love
the kind that takes and takes and TAKES
it slices you open, not enough to be fatal but just enough to bleed
that's all that's left for you to do,
                                                           b l e e d
this love bleeds you dry,
it takes all that is you
leaves nothing behind
nothing for others to identify you by
it leaves nothing for others to
                                                           s a l v a g e

it's a suffocating kind of love
like a horrible case of claustrophobia
the walls seem to be closing in
the world is getting smaller
the air is getting thinner
you watch for a few painful seconds as you lay there gasping for life
clawing at the walls like a trapped mouse
aware that you are dying
aware that there you are utterly helpless to stop it

a love whose purpose is to cage
not treasure
it boxes you up
creates a world that composes of only two strong arms that feel more like a prison than comfort
they bind
enclose on you

it's a love that should know when to stop
but doesn't
it's a never ending cycle of violence
of heavy fists
relentless kicks
then sweet kisses that act as apologies
trying to soothe the pain
then whispers  
"I'm sorry, never again. I promise."
words that you know not to trust

it is a love with no way out
666 · Jul 2014
a rumour
elysianlethe Jul 2014
It starts off with a whisper,
a slight ruffle,
like a summer breeze moving through tree branches,
a few twisted words that slip from loose lips,
that's all it takes to stir up a hurricane of chaos

     Hey did you hear?

whispers that evoke labels
as if they magically grant everyone permission to poke and ****

              ****              *****                    b­itch                   worthless
                            ugly          loner        ­  ***             ***

these twisted words lead to stares that burn holes with the heat of their intensity
pointed fingers that judge,

      Did you hear about what happened?! You won't believe it!

they lead to giggles
laughs brought on by a sick satisfaction of entertainment found at the expense of the agony of another

     Oh my god, isn't that her?

they lead to tears behind closed doors
ends with nothing but
652 · May 2014
I want to k n o w
elysianlethe May 2014
what makes you happy,
what makes you sad,
what makes you mad,

your pet peeves,
your secret addictions,
your favourite read,
your dreams,

your thoughts,

Are you a hopeless romantic?
Or could you care less?

Your little habits,
Your inner fears,

Why you have that pain in your eyes?
how did it get there?
Why do you let it consume you?
fear the joy others could bring?

I wanted to know every thing I possibly could about you because no one else did,  

no one else tried,

and some one should have,

I should have.

But I was too much of a coward & you were too broken,

Because one day you were there with your numb brown eyes
then the next you were gone.

I wanted to know every thing I could,

about *you
431 · May 2014
elysianlethe May 2014
I am

      quietly going insane,
      a victim of a hundred sleepless nights,
      a concealed chaos,
      composed of a thousand masks,

f i n e
311 · May 2014
universe of words
elysianlethe May 2014
come with me my friend,
let's go on a exploration of words and realities,

a screenwalk of sorts through the worlds of books and ink,

A journey full

of strange characters & stranger creatures,
of castles of glass & ice,
of futures of fear & pain,
of villains & heroes,
of unknown friends & hateful enemies,
of stories similar to you and I,

On this adventure you will feel a spectrum of feelings and emotions,
                                              love    ­                respect
       hate                  anger                        envy          ­    appreciation
agony        sadness                relief      ­           annoyance
           triumph              happiness                 wonder                 pride    
fear           shock                 awe                 amusement

you will know the characters as if they are your best of friends,
connect with them as if they are blood,

you will laugh,
you will cry,
you will curse,

you will become so engrossed that when the quest is over,
and the last chapter has been read,
when the last word has been said,

you will feel a hollowness like no other,

and then,
                      *you will want to start again
285 · May 2014
h a i k u (l)
elysianlethe May 2014
here is a story
one of great pain and sorrow
a story of *us

— The End —