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Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
I remember when you said
your freckles made you mad
Well hunny if you'd like
I'd kiss them all away
lick them off your skin
until my tongue is speckled
with your sun marks
and my body full
of your imperfections.
And you,
a standing, sitting, loving
sun conqueror
raw as that January morning
and new as the year
when our lives melted together
and the world disappeared.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
Your hands as white as skulls
piled atop one another
a tower on your lap
ghostly mouth pursed
empty eyes narrowed

My fleshy finger
touches your bone
Peachy pink,
my dreadful sink
into your vacant stare.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
'Your hair is shorter' he remarked,
hand on the counter
eyes on the floor.

'I cut it' was all I could muster
dead words ****** out
into the ancient air
and held,
in our wake.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
I dream in words and lyrics
I crave the scratch of a pen
the leak of creativity
upon paper.

Dressed in stark white
mental anesthesia
Sneaking poems between immunisations
I don't belong among the needles.
Blunt and uniform
never was my style.

I feel my mentality slipping
dying with the leaves
falling down, down, down,
Ricocheting against my skull
and leaking out my ears.

I beg of you
a spare parachute,
stuffing to plug my orifices.
I'm melting away
I'm slowly stifled
and I need to be saved.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
Feigned fatherly affection
which I ate up
as on a golden spoon
dipped in lead.

How silly was I,
to imagine sincerity
after so many years
chained to your bed.

Was it your doing?
Broken demigod of yore?
Fragmented mosaic that I adored?
No. Twas all in my head.

How cruel were you
To allow me to feel,
to encourage my worship
and to leave me for dead.

Alas! It is you who were tricked!
By my slight of hand, my skill with ****.
For never was I abiding to begin with
But rather a defiant bird, regurgitating all you fed.
Elsbeth Willis Dec 2011
What vicious monster is this?
What foul creature?
That melts my bones
my muscle
my skin
my soul
into mild slop,
which it devours

What shallow eccentricities,
What shining *******,
aglow in peach pink
under that lamp post.

I thought you'd know the feeling.
The slurping

I thought you'd know.
I thought you'd know.

— The End —