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Elsa Mora Sep 2013
But how do you get out? You've already tried so many things and it leads to nothing.
It makes you feel so hopeless at times.
Is this really it? Is this all that there is to life?
You've had enough of all the struggling and striving enough. Enough of all the stress and trying to live up other's expectations. Enough heartache enough.That is really what it all boils down to, isn't it? You just you just want to be happy and find some inner peace.
Elsa Mora Sep 2013
You came into my life unexpectedly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way you speak,
and the kindness you showed me,
all became a part of my life.

As you unfolded yourself to me,
I discovered more and more beauty.
I have never seen so much
gentleness in one person.
Without even knowing it,
you were slowly making a place
for yourself in my heart.

It used to seem so hard at times
to feel so close in a relationship.
But it’s so easy to feel close to you.
I can’t tell you how nice that feels.
I realize now that I had never known
what it meant to be loved
until I was loved by you.
Elsa Mora Sep 2013
That night she was hurt. There was a sudden emotion of confusion to ''why am i hurt? I've been hurt many times before but this was at the time were i gave up a couple of weeks ago'' he did it. He caused it that person that you loved the most and you thought would never hurt you well he just did. But why? he said he'd never hurt nor treat you bad but sadly he did. Yes you/I have tried giving up before but giving up is not a choice. Once you have done everything you are suppose to and you still don't get rewarded then That's the time to give it all up. Give it all up to God, seek him and he will reward you. Never give up on yourself. Because he was the first who even gave it all to you.
Elsa Mora Sep 2013
We are God, we have the power to do amazing things that's why we all have souls. Behind all that sadness, anger, and ego there's something sparking out from all our presences we have the power to control everything and anything we feel it's your choice to change it or be negative your whole life. Don't make excuses saying " I can't do it '' or something similar to that, we all can change our mindsets it's your choice to change it or not. I'm not saying it's easy because it's not. There is nothing more powerful than believing and taking action towards whatever you are going through in life.

— The End —