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63 · May 2021
Ellis Reyes May 2021
I write because my other attempts at artistic expression were mocked
I sacrifice subtlety for clarity because my wife is unambiguous
I work hard because my dad respects hard work
I have public feelings and private ones because life has taught me not to trust
I tell my secrets to dogs, because they keep them
I allow music to fill my soul, because my mom let me see how it filled hers
I see the potential in others because God sacrificed his Son to show the potential that he sees in me
This is a contribution to an ongoing trend on social media.
61 · Jun 2021
Three Lines - Alef
Ellis Reyes Jun 2021
I dream of sitting beside a massive crater
and trying to fill it
with a spoon
A tip of the hat to Ben Noah Suri for his brilliant modeling of this form. I will do my best to follow your amazing examples.
56 · Mar 2020
Selective Reduction
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
When it took so much
to give them life,

How do you pick
Which child dies?
A clinical term for a horrible choice
54 · Mar 2020
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
When I am sick,
I am a wounded animal.

I am alone,
nursing myself back to health.

I do not want your help.
I do not seek your comfort.

My path to wellness is a solitary journey
Written in my spirit
at the beginning of time.
54 · Mar 2020
Prayer Request
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
Please pray for the ill
Please pray for the hungry
Please pray for the terrified
Please pray for the vulnerable
Please pray for the unemployed
Please pray for the lonely and disenfranchised
Please pray for the Godless – they need it most.
Grant them peace....
51 · Mar 2020
Sometimes in the Night
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
Sometimes in the night...

A voice whispers across eternity
Murmuring words only my soul can hear
Filling my heart
Calming my fears


The moon sets
The sun rises
The veil closes
And it is silent again

— The End —