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Nov 2013 · 631
ocean eyes
ellie Nov 2013
the girl with the ocean eyes,
sat next to me on the bus last week.
i saw new wounds on her wrists,
proof of the battle raging on in her head.
i almost said something,
almost asked if she was ok,
but i didn't.
and now i'll never see those ocean eyes again,
she decided to go to sleep, and never wake up.
always tell someone you care
Nov 2013 · 2.9k
we are the broken generation
ellie Nov 2013
the cries of a broken generation
whos entire world revolves around who’s best dressed
and who can survive the war they call society
mere pixels on a screen reducing more youths than can be counted on both hands
to a rope around their neck
or a blade at their wrists
and the pressure of so called beauty ripping apart so many minds
hungry for compliments and to feel admired
though this perfection they yearn for doesnt lie in humans but in technology and the art of deceit
the craving to fit in has wiped out all hope of change
too little are brave enough to show their hand and admit that it’s all wrong
everything is wrong and they have all lost sight of what matters
we are the broken generation
and no matter what anyone says
we’re all slowly contributing to making the crack bigger
Nov 2013 · 491
"It's going to be okay"
ellie Nov 2013
Don't tell me it's going to be okay,
I've seen the fly get caught in the spider's web too many times,
to ever believe that things will get better.
Don't tell me it's going to be okay,
I've seen too many wars and heard too many stories,
to ever believe that one day we will find peace.
Don't tell me it's going to be okay,
I've felt too many words break my false confidence,
to ever think that I will be comfortable and happy within my own skin.
Don't tell me it's going to be okay,
because my wrists say differently and so do the voices in my head.
The rope around my neck and the pills in my hand tell me you're wrong.
So don't tell me it's going to be okay,
because I know it's not.
Nov 2013 · 297
ellie Nov 2013
I remember when I saw you,
hanging there in your room with a pretty ribbon around your neck.
I told mummy you looked like an angel,
but when she saw you she cried.
You must be busy up there,
but I'd like you to fly back home every once in a while.
tw: suicide, hanging
Nov 2013 · 788
guess what
ellie Nov 2013
guess what
i have some shocking news for you!

the boy you kick and call a ******
goes home and cries because of how you treat him!

the girl who you call fat and who your friend told to **** herself
actually gets really upset by the words you say!

that friend who you always leave out and whisper about behind their back
is getting really fed up of being made to feel like trash!

so guess what
all those people today that you called fat, or flat chested or any other comment about their weight
all those people today that you said had disgusting acne or a wonky nose or anything else to make them feel ugly
all those people today that you instructed to slit their wrists or hang themselves or **** themselves to do the rest of us a favour
all those people today that you punched or kicked or physically abused in any way shape or form
all those people today who you ******* about or laughed at or whispered about behind their backs where they can't defend themselves
all those people today that you made feel bad about themselves
were affected in one way or another by what you said

so next time you speak just think for a minute
what if someone pointed out your flaws
the things you were self consious about
or things that you hadn't noticed before and now hated
what if someone told you to take your own life
because nobody gives a **** about you
and you don't deserve to live
what if someone punched you and beat you and made your entire body hurt
just for being you

because guess what
these people have feelings just like you!
because i'm fed up of bullies thinking they can get away with their words and actions
because they can't
ellie Nov 2013
if i were to ask you what was special about that girl who sits alone in the school cafeteria,
you'd probably say nothing,
and i'd laugh and tell you i felt sorry for you because you're missing out on so much.

i'd tell you that she can play the ukulele in the cutest way,
and that when she first wakes up in the morning she has this sleepy look about her that gives you butterflies.
i'd tell you about when she bought me ice cream because i dropped mine,
and how when even when she's sad she still puts other people before herself.
i'd tell you that she sometimes volunteers at the local care home and sings songs about autumn days and dashing young men to make the old ladies smile,
and once she saved a cat from a tree branch only to have it scratch her face to bits but she still laughed.

i'd tell you about every thing that makes her beautiful and interesting and special,
and maybe you'd start to see that beauty is written on the pages of the book,
not the cover.
Nov 2013 · 374
things about you
ellie Nov 2013
i wonder if i'll ever forget,
the way your teeth show just a little bit when you laugh,
or how your eyes seem like big beautiful orbs in the sunlight.
how your hair does that thing where it looks like a nest when you first wake up,
or the sound of your voice when you haven't had enough sleep.
your big ugly sweater that would look awful on anyone but you,
or the way you paint your nails as if you had just minutes to spare.
the sound of your sobs when you watch sad films,
or how your entire face lights up and glows when your favourite song comes on.
i wonder if i'll ever forget,
the things that made me love you,
because you seem to have forgotten the same things about me.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
unspoken rules
ellie Nov 2013
correct me if i'm wrong
but i don't believe a book exists telling us that
fat isn't beautiful
or that women should shave every surface of their body that grows hair until it shines like a new coin

i cannot recall seeing a rule that says that
men doing sports originally intended for the opposite *** makes them gay
or that if an individual wants to wear something tight or an item of clothing that doesn't cover a lot of flesh then they sleep have to have slept with a lot of different partners and have a size 0 figure

do tell me if i'm misinformed
but i do not remember ever being told
that being different hurts people and it shouldn't happen
or that the things that separate us from the rest are flaws to be ashamed of

so what i don't understand is why we all act as if it's some kind of crime
to believe what we want
to act how we'd like
to dress in the clothes we love
to be proud of who we are
because it's not
and it shouldn't
be frowned upon to do what makes you happy and comfortable in your own skin
Nov 2013 · 488
ellie Nov 2013
when the stars shine people don't look for the dull ones in the distance,
you never search for the smallest apple on the tree,
nobody is interested in the runt of the litter,
but somehow you found me.

people don't want that broken vase sitting at the back of the antique shop,
no one likes a faulty record or a cd that gets stuck on repeat,
who would want a bike with no wheels or a car with no engine?
but somehow you found me.

what person wants the horse that can't run?
or the dog that isn't interested in fetching the ball?
nobody wants a goldfish who can't swim,
but somehow you wanted me.

you picked me up and brushed me down and told me it would be ok,
i told you i wasn't what you needed, i was faulty and broken and imperfect,
but you told me that sometimes the best things are those that aren't whole and with a smile you took my hand and made me yours.

but now i think you realised what i meant originally.
there's a reason nobody wants a broken vase,
or a dog that won't play fetch.
there's logic behind not buying the car with no engine,
or picking the smallest apple on the tree.

they'll let you down when you need them most,
their faults are what will break you.
and that's what i told you from the beginning,
but somehow you still wanted me.

— The End —