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Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Elle C Jan 2013
Because of the things I've said,
I couldn't hold it in.
They all burst from my head,
Ripped my breath, ripped forevermore.

Because of the things I've felt,
I've lived away from this world.
With the hand I was dealt,
Walking in silence, silence forevermore.

Because of the things I've heard,
Throughout these rooms, around my head.
Don't even, not one more word,
No more words, none forevermore.

Because of the things I've seen,
My eyes, they burn.
They will never be clean,
Look away now, away forevermore.

Because of the things I've done,
It's my time to leave.
I must run,
Run away, away forevermore.

Because of the things I've left unsaid,
I couldn't trust, let you in.
You'll never be inside my head,
I'm too gone, gone forevermore.
Elle C Jan 2012
I'm not finished, im not done
We're in no hurry, baby, we're still young
I have more to say, more to do
you cut me short, as if on cue
I was mid sentence, caught up mid stride
You cut me deep, acted like you had a free ride

Drove away with my all on board
I tried to hurt you back but its a double edged sword
my words hurt me, now I'm back on the floor
when I was with you my heart, it soared
as I lie here cut up and open 
trying to feel scarred, yet im still broken

to look at your face, its such a disgrace
you were never really there; a ghost in your place
respect me you say, but respect you did not
you took what was not yours and gave none back
watching and waiting but I never crack
Spat at my back and then in my face

respect me you say, but respect you did not
you took it too; the secret that was all mine 
now the knife hovers there just over my spine 
I lay watching and waiting for that final word
And this torment, well it's absurd
end it for for me, just say the word

scream it, yell it, dont let it go unheard
how I gave you the power, the power to me 
i gave almost all, i gave to you freely
I take nothing back, for what I said I felt 
looking in your eyes, though I still melt 
respect me you say, but respect you did not

I'm a new person, with new feelings to give
trust doesn't mean I've lost my chance to live
I'm allowed to breathe, but I'm still mad 
how worthless I was you, the power you had
its worthless now;  its back here
match me, kiddo, I kicked it up a gear.
So, I know I'm not the best rhymer in existence, but I gave it a shot and I do know that I changed the rhyme scheme partway through :)
Oct 2011 · 482
Elle C Oct 2011
i want; consumption

i want to be industrial

i want to be industry

i want to be work

i want to be revolution

i want to be motion

i want to be litterature

i want to be words

i want to be desire

i want to be lust

i want to be love

i want to be beauty

i want to see beauty
Oct 2011 · 816
Breaking Point;
Elle C Oct 2011
Feel the fire down your neck
Your heart beating like a drum
Flashes of red as they fade to gray
                -the ashes sift away.

Don’t ask for comfort, here you get none
They’ll watch as the flames work through your body
Thundering your pounding lungs
               -desperate to get away.

The heat grows high; where do you go from here?
Encased in flames; you have no chance
No chance to feel the love
               -no chance to get away.

It’s ending so soon, you let you all go
Your soul to be picked over; because you don’t really care
You’ve fallen to low, to see yourself now
               -pick your feet up; fly away

And now it’s all over, as they watch you; laid bare
A pretty red dress, stained with your blood
Your body so broken, so fragile; unmarred
               -locked up tight you can’t get away

They’ll take you away, ashamed of the sight
You think of the sight that kept you alive
As you make your escape; your heart beating like a drum
               -as you run in the dead of night, run away

*Your funeral was held; the empty coffin, buried
As you nurse your wounds in sweet success
Thinking of that face that made you find strength
               - yout pain is taken away
Oct 2011 · 1.2k
Elle C Oct 2011
Rule your world with an iron fist

Be fortunous by happenstance

Accept those that need it most; and hope they do the same

Look ahead; Face your fears - head on.

See the sounds of anger; ignore them with a passion

Be who you are
*Because you dont know how to do it different.
Oct 2011 · 502
know Life;
Elle C Oct 2011
id like to be buried among the kings
                   and walk with the dead soldiers
                                      id like to meet the boat man and tell him
                                                                                               it was all a lie

id like to see every god
                   the people once believed
                                      and let them know
                                                                                               i never did

id like to pay the toll
                   in less than wealth
                                      and know that thats all
                                                                                               thats needed

id like to know where we went wrong
                   and if we can grab the chance to fix it
                                      as it passes us by and is to late to say that
                                                                                               we were wrong

id like to think this is a good place
                   to know it wasnt all in vain
                                      to think of all the losses
                                                                                               and not count them as such

id like
                   id like
                                      I would like;
                                                                                               To know Life.

— The End —