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848 · May 2017
Late Night thoughts
Elizah Jane't May 2017
Now its 2 a.m. And you're surrounded by
silence., Absolute nothingness

It's great, being up late at night Or the wee
hours of the morning, however you choose to
look at it

Because it's just you and you're thoughts.,


Not the thoughts, those intensely destructive thoughts...
that you have in the middle of the
day while keeping that stain of a smile on
your face

Not those thoughts, no, not those pathetically
lonely thoughts you have in a crowd full of
people that you somehow seemed to keep

That's you now., But then it was


The thoughts, those wonder filled and
hopeful thoughts that danced around your
mind, like a circus almost, while you sang
around your room.,

Those magical, shimmery thoughts that
would get you distracted in class while you
should have been learning about pre-algebra,
or the founding fathers, or whatever those
imagination-killing teachers believed was
most important in time.,

Those dreams, those terrifyingly
devastatingly real dreams that you knew deep
down would always come true.,

But that was then.

Suddenly the dusk turns to dawn, and
everyone's waking up, and you and you're
thoughts...They aren't alone anymore

And that was then. But now is now, and
it's time to get back to Those thoughts. Those
roller coaster, tidal wave thoughts that you
lock behind that stain of a smile.,

Because this is now.
235 · May 2017
Elizah Jane't May 2017
Detached from its home
Swayed by the gentle winds
Never getting too low
A small lake it brims

Wavering, soaring, above all life
Enjoying the heaven above the clouds
Then descending, cutting through like a knife
Rejoining life below, passing through the crowds

Seeing the bare earth, but rarely coming near
Dying to stay in air, to keep its flight
Gliding rapidly like a salty tear
Whipping in the night

Until finally it reaches the ground, and it lands
On a welcoming beach, snuggling to the sands
187 · Apr 2017
Elizah Jane't Apr 2017
It's true
I came in
New and bright eyed
Optimism swarmed me
I wasn't alone then

Was an experience
An adventure
With the people I thought I’d hold close
I wasn't alone then

They all
Described the ups and downs
Of this life
But for me there was only up
I wasn't alone then

But suddenly
The people that
Once seemed so close
Became farther than ever
I seemed alone then

And then I met them
They took me
And they crush the optimism
And dimmed my bright eyes
I was alone then

They punched
I got up and punched back
So they kicked
I got up and kicked back
They wanted victory
I was alone then

I wouldn’t
Give up
Give in
When no one else would
When no one else wanted to
I was alone then

Somehow victory was found
And new people
Closer than the last
We're my new life

I wouldn't be alone again
186 · Mar 2018
Elizah Jane't Mar 2018
Serious reflection
In the eulogy
Flowers laid
About the effigy
Endless words
Filing the elegy-

Why must we wait
To celebrate others
Have we forgotten
Our slayed brothers
Those killed in war
Or shot down at their own doors
Or those who felt they could not go on
And especially ones
Who just did not rise at dawn
A simple thanatopsis-
A muse of death will do
That is when you will appreciate life
Its beauty tried and true.

An elegy is not about death
It is about the pain of the living
Do not wait for death
Life is glee you should be giving
179 · Mar 2018
Elizah Jane't Mar 2018
She had a big heart full of hope
And wide eyes filled with wonder

The sound of her laughter was a harmonious melody
  Her flower like freckles danced across her skin

This little girl loved the sun resting on the horizon
And the glow of its rays swimming on the sea

But life was a typhoon that swept across its beauty
And took the little girls innocence with it

It was then she knew that like the sun she must set,
Or simply hide away her pure spirit in the clouds

With this that little girl was deceased
But death did not fill her corpse

It was instead strength
And in the little girls place

A woman was born

— The End —