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Elizabeth Jan 2018
One day an 11-year-old girl asked her daddy, " What are you doing to get me for my 15th birthday?" The father replied, " There is much time left." When the girl was 14 she fainted and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor came out and told her dad she had a bad heart. When she was lying in the hospital bed she said: "Daddy, have they told you I'm going to die yet?" The father replied yes as he left weeping. She said, " How can you be sure." He turned around from the door and said" "I know". She turns 15 when she is recovering and comes home to find a letter on her bed. It says " My dearest Daughter, if you are reading this it means all went well as I told you. One day you asked me what I was giving you for your 15th birthday, I didn't know then but now my present to you is MY HEART." Her father donated his heart.
Elizabeth Jan 2018
A girl wanted a ring. But the boy gave a teddy bear instead. In anger, the girl threw the bear on the road. The boy wants to take it back but he was hit by a coming car and died. At his funeral, the girl hugged the bear and the machine in it spoke: Will you marry me? Guess what he found a ring inside it.
Elizabeth Nov 2017
Judge me and I'll prove you wrong.
Tell me what to do and I'll tell you off.
Say I'm not worth it and watch where I end up.
Call me a Bicth and I'll show you one.
***** me over and I'll do it to you twice as bad.
Call me crazy but really you have no idea.
Elizabeth Nov 2017
People tell me I'm a strong person but they never know that I cry in the middle of the night just because I miss you.........
Elizabeth Nov 2017
I think the hardest part about falling in love is that you no longer have control your own emotions. one word, one look could change your entire day, whether it be good or bad. someone has the ability to get inside your head, learn everything about you but it's never guaranteed that they're going to stick around. But I think the worst part is that you don't even have control over falling in love. it just happens, even if you want it to. it'll either break your heart or more awful truth of it all is that we all die at some point, with or without them.
Elizabeth Nov 2017
Your first love isn't always the first person you kiss or the first person you date. Your first love is the person you will always compare everyone to. The person that you will never truly get over, even when you've convinced yourself you've moved on.
Elizabeth Nov 2017
Real love is knowing someone's
weaknesses and not taking
advantage of them. Knowing their flaws & accepting who they are.
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