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Elizabeth Oct 2017
You make me laugh when I want to cry,
Make me live when I want to die,
Make me smile when I want to frown,
You turn my life upside down.
  Believe in me when no one else does
  You're my now, my is, my was.
when you call my name I begin to blush,
I'm afraid people notice I need you so much.
  When I'm with you time flies by fast.
   It's like the present is the past.
I need you more than you can believe,
Love you more than you can conceive.
Think about you every night and day
  And hope my life can stay this way
  I don't want it to be any other way.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
The melding of two bodies,
The surging of two souls;
love between the two of us
keeps us from growing old.

It was on the day we married,
The day we said I do;
It was then I made you mine,
The proof that I loved you.

Now the years are passing
And we can hardly see,
where one of us begins
or the other person ends.

Growing old together,
what a special way to age.
together we have grown
like oregano and sage.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
I miss your smile, I miss your voice
If I got to see you, I would rejoice
I miss your lips, I miss your kiss
The way it makes, my life full of bliss
I miss your face, I miss your eyes
I hated when we, exchanged goodbyes  
I miss you now, I missed you before
Please come back, my heart is sore.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
I didn't fall in love with you
I walked into love with you
with my eyes wide open,
choosing to take
every step along the way
I do believe in fate and destiny,
but I also believe
we are only fated to do the things
that we'd choose anyway.
And I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you
and I'd choose you.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
Ture love is not what you think it is because when a guy touches you and he is a **** boy don't think that he likes you or loves you he doesn't  because  you are going to see him hugging or touching another girl and then it will hurt what I am trying to say is that do not fall in love with a **** boys. Because he thinks just of him no one else he doesn't care about you pleases girls listen a **** boy is going to hurt you a lot and then you're going to say why did I get in this.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
In such a way I love myself, that his life does not skimp
Until the end he gave himself and to death was because the master
In such a way I love myself and there is no way I can pay
The price of your great love but my whole soul I want to give.

For your love I will live, of your love, I will sing
With my Jesus, I will walk because I love myself
For your love I will live, of your love, I will sing
With my Jesus, I will walk because he died for me
I will follow.

In such a way I love that his life does not skimp
Until the end he gave himself and to death was because the master
In such a way I love myself and there is no way I can pay
The price of your great love but all my soul I want to give.
Elizabeth Oct 2017
If you really knew me, I love music. I can’t live without it, and if you really knew me, you’d know I have a little sister, a half-brother, and a half-sister. If you really knew me, you’d know that I am not Asian, I am Hispanic. If you really knew me I am not mean or quiet. If you really knew me I am nice and loud. If you really knew me I love to read but when I am alone. If you really knew me I like science because I like to learn about space and the planets.If you really me I love to draw when I am sad or mad. If you really knew me I try to smile every day even if wanna break down and cry. If you really knew me my life isn't as perfect as most people think it is. If you really knew me  I trust no one. If you knew me that I don't show emotion I keep it to myself. If you really knew me I love to read poems that are about love, happy, to love one another, to be a true friend when I feel alone sad, mad, happy. If you really knew me I am a cold person and I get that from my dad. If you really knew me I love to write poetry it can be random or about me. if you really knew me you would know that I have been depressed and cried alone. if you really knew me you would know that I hated how I look. if you really knew me you would know I always feel like a failure. if you really knew me you would know that I thought about ending it but. if you really knew me you would know that today I am saved by the grace of God. if you really knew me. you could see that I am a different person than I used to be. If you really knew me I love helping people. If you really knew me I love kids. If you really knew me I respect all girls and boys how they feel and what they talk. If you really knew me I  don’t judge people. If you really knew me.
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