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712 · Apr 2012
pining away in secret
elizabeth s Apr 2012
A hidden tear
Filled with pain.
A secret sigh
Powered by loss.
Words unspoken
Held in by fear.
A smile neglected
Abandoned by hatred
687 · Apr 2012
Your Music Echoes
elizabeth s Apr 2012
Forget me not.
For your presence, I still feel.
My thoughts drift away
And find their way towards you.
I hear that same soft tone
And I know what I have lost.
I am left with regret
But forever more the hope
that maybe I will hear
your music once more.
627 · May 2012
In time
elizabeth s May 2012
to know where she's stood
to feel what she's felt
you never could
you would not survive

your ignorance is childish
your life has been sheltered
true pain you have not felt
real suffering you have not endured

so go on your merry way
pretending the world's a pearl
but someday you'll be in her shoes
so then you'll see
624 · May 2012
Misdirected hate
elizabeth s May 2012
with all of the hatred seeping from you skin,
your sinister eyes glaring across the room,
your pernicious words piercing my heart,
you tried your best to tear me down,
but i will not let you prevail.
And through all of you bitter rampages
i never felt bad for myself.
i felt bad for you.
because i know,
its not me your unhappy with,
...its you
574 · Apr 2012
elizabeth s Apr 2012
i miss the days,
when your step was three of mine
when i would lay on your shoulder for hours
when my hand barely wrapped around your finger
when you would pick me up and throw me into the air
when i would jump into your arms when you came home from work
when you told me stories that always made me laugh
when everything you told me was golden
when i showed how much i cared
i will love you always.
573 · May 2012
no longer will you dictate
elizabeth s May 2012
you are the fire
that makes me leave behind the loved

the current
that leaves me here alone

the wind
that wears away my smile

he is the music
that picked off my feet

you were the weight
that used to hold me down
469 · Apr 2012
Piercing the Soul
elizabeth s Apr 2012
It takes one small judgment
Maybe only a word
To destroy one’s bliss.

It takes one small laugh
Maybe only a smile
To steal an open heart.

It takes but one look
Maybe only a glance
To feel one’s pain.
468 · Apr 2012
elizabeth s Apr 2012
in the midst of silence,
left with only your thoughts
to try and justify what you did
until something arises inside
it cannot be shaken
for it's more powerful
than even the strongest soul
it pulls you back
as you attempt to push forward
gradually it makes its way into your heart
it penetrates you soul
and you quit resisting
452 · Apr 2012
nowhere to turn
elizabeth s Apr 2012
my thoughts and questions fill my mind
it becomes too much
so i walk
i run
until its all unleashed
for i cannot stand to keep it all in
but how shall i carry this weight
in a world i do not understand
i look around
and i wonder why i even bother
i look up
i cry
i look around
i run
i try to look forward
but it is no better
for i feel
there is no where i can be
truly me
428 · May 2013
its your choice
elizabeth s May 2013
its funny how what is so worried about today is so easliy forgotten tomorrow.
we only see what we want, and miss the opportunities to get what we need.
we think we know what will make us happy,
and what will get us through the day.
we miss the chances to make a difference,
when our focus is on ourselves.
we lose track of the aspirations,
when we worry about the "what ifs"
i dont want to look back at a life of what ifs
a life of should haves
i want to do today what i was too afraid to do yesterday
364 · Feb 2013
head full of doubt
elizabeth s Feb 2013
im afraid for tomorrow,
waiting for just one more thing to be gone.
it seems nothing is forever.
and id say i want a promise,
but ive seen to many broken.
only so much can be replaced.
i can only handle so many leaving my side.
if i could just say it,
i need you.
i know it would make no difference.
so i fear tomorrow.
361 · Apr 2012
A clouded mind
elizabeth s Apr 2012
Look not with you eyes, but with your heart.
Can’t you see?
Even the most precious rose has its faults.
Is that any reason to abandon its radiance?
See beyond the storms.
Look through the fog.
Find true beauty.
elizabeth s Jun 2012
i used to think
is bad that im happier sleeping
because my dreams were where you were still mine
your words were lost
and warmth was misplaced
barriers were formed
and time ticked away
i reached back
to feel nothing but the emptiness that you left
until a spark
an open heart
helped me rise above
so guess what
you've been replaced

— The End —