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Elizabeth Quirke Aug 2014
As I close a chapter in my life another one begins.
Like a library of books, shelf after shelf filled to the brim.
When everything that seemed so dark had suddenly shed light,
My Dad turns grey and helpless, like a child afraid of night.

And so the book of life reads on, each page of txt unknow.
Our destiny each and everyones to us shall not be shown.

Take in your arms each day you live and treat it like your last.
Look forward to the future and no longer dwell in the past.
I am yet to know and maintain the understanding 'what is past, remains past'.  Live for today and do not dwell for this is the root of depression, not just in you but everyone you come in contact with... life goes on with or without you .
Elizabeth Quirke Aug 2014
He means the world to everyone,  especially to Me.
Eights sons , my mum and my sister and then I make three.
Three women to nine men is the way we have combined.
The tears, the pain, they joy, the strongest bond of love you'll ever find.

He is older now and weaker but his heart to us has not changed.
The same love, advice and sternness and control still remains.
Respect is the solitary line through each and everyone.
It's the one thing we hang on to from mother daughters through to sons.
Dad the heart attack you suffered has touched each and everyone of us.  Our family has come close to tragedy once again.  A reminder perhaps that at the end of the day all you have is your family.
Elizabeth Quirke Aug 2014
The hurt and pain cuts me like a knife,
It's hard to believe at times I'm his wife.
I know there are two side to every story,
It's mostly over my side I worry.

Am I so bad so hard to bare,
Or are these problems one to share.
Where has the sharing gone to hide,
At times I feel he's not by my side.

Lost and alone is how I feel,
The feelings are so strong, almost unreal.
I can;'t go on and on like this,
and with this note I seal a kiss.
A kiss to represent my need to change,
All the bad things to re-arrange.
Jamie & Hannah I love you both and will consider this a reason to make things better for all of us.

— The End —