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I see myself
Lost in your arms
Enveloped in the warmth
That is your embrace
Feeling your heartbeat
In sync with mine
My head against your chest
Taking in the love
Emanating from your heart
Returning to you
Through touch and laughter
I sense your caring
I hear your words
I taste your lips
I feel you
You are mine
I feel at peace in this moment
Watching the little moments
Dancing in the living room
Taking it all in
Each and every precious

Feeling your skin against mine
Our bodies intermingling
Inside and connected
Fully present
Shaking in ecstasy
Lips together
Tasting each other in this moment
This true connection is
Beauty, aliveness
Sensual, ****
Laying in your arms
Relaxing and cuddling
Being and feeling held
Laughter and relaxed silence
Being in the moment
Taking in and solidifying
Each beautiful memory
Knowing there’s more to come

I appreciate you
I appreciate us
I appreciate this life
Thank you
All that is light bearing to me
Lies in the simplicity of life
The stars
The moon
The sun
The light
That brings the warmth
Which calms me
The scents of nature
Flowers and trees
Energy of life
Surrounding me
The art and beauty
Of all that’s unique
Feels peaceful to me
The vibrations and sound
My cat’s purr and warmth
The steam from tea
An amazing book
The laughter that bursts
From my whole body thru
I loosen and feel
Hugs that bring me
Affection so dear
I pause and hope
They last forever
The moments I cherish
When connections are made
I hold those close
To remember
To share my gifts
To see others smile
To spread love and kindness
All this is worthwhile
It brings me light
It brings me joy
To smile and to be
To ease my fears
I write
To give them a home
To let them know they are

I get scared of the future
The unknown
Consequences of decisions
Not yet made

How will this affect my future?
My life?

I get scared of my present
The things I’m unsatisfied with

What if nothing changes?
What if I stay the same?

I get scared of the past
Coming back to haunt me

What if this affects everything?
Can it happen again?

I get stuck in a spiral
That feels never ending

Why am I still here?
Has nothing changed?

I see patterns
Longing to repeat themselves

I’m doing that thing again
Why, when it ended badly?

I put blame on myself
For enabling the hold
That the patterns and cycles
Entrance me with
They are bold

Should I run?
Should I hide?
Should I lay down and cry?
Believing that nothing will change?

I feel into my body
While my mind runs the show
With my thoughts overwhelming
They ******* and show
All my faults bright and clear
Enlightening that fear
My heart starts to tremble
My body caves near
To save itself firstly
From the fear within

Wait, my body soften murmurs
Let’s have a sip of tea

Slowly enjoying
The attention and the steam
We begin to move our bodies
To loosen and to shake
Our emotion peaks it’s head out
To join the party too
Soon tears are on the table
Bodies start to move
The fear understands
It can join in too

We all join together
We all are seen and heard
We know the best is yet to come
As our journey unfolds

We embrace the ups and downs
We yell, we scream, we laugh
We cry, we sob, we giggle
Knowing all is love

When we embrace
Each and every part
Of who we always are
We know we’re art
We know we’re love
We know life’s a journey
We know it can be tough

We also know
That tea exists
Coming together
To be and exist

Flowers smell lovely
The sun shining down
Butterflies flying
As change comes around

We can be human
We can be magic
Perspectives can shift
Just like new gadgets

I will choose to live
I will choose to love
My choice will bring me
The journey that shifts

I can trust in the guidance
Despite all I fear
For I see nature shifting
Each and every year

I see abundance surrounding
This Earth and all it’s glory

I acknowledge the faults
I embrace the music
I notice the community
I dance with the magic
In the middle of the rain
I feel it fall upon my shoulders
Soaking into my hair
Enveloping my body
Cooling and warming simultaneously
As I stand there
Being in the presence
Of the present the Earth is presenting
Tears form
Laughter bubbles out
I start to skip, jump, move
My body jolting to and from
Puddles and looking up I close my
Eyes as I take in the wetness
The joy that moves up and through my body
My soul and heart lightening
Warming up as I begin to sing
Singing and crying and
Living fully in the moment
Simply allowing whatever wants to arise
I strip naked and bear my soul
My emotions and vulnerability wild and raw
Open for all to see I allow
I take the risk and allow
I trust in my wild and allow
I believe in my process and allow
The beauty that unfolds
Crosses the threshold of my energy
Lightening strikes as I scream aloud
Primal and wild and true and raw
Yes I will allow
Yes I can allow
Yes I am here
I open up my heart to my primal being
I let her lead the way
Surrendering to the cycle of primal raw truth
Surrendering to the love surrounding me
Love is wild
Love is true
Love is here
Love is me
I am no longer alone
The Earth is my partner
The wild is my sister
The primal is me
Coursing through me
Making marks on my identity
You are wrong
You are bad
You should be aSHAMEd
Why do you **** me?
Interfering with my life
Defiling my positive nature
Triggering my inadequacies
My inner child is scared
She feels this shame
Not quite understanding
Definitely feeling
surprise my peach woman
breathe her warmth
whisper comfort
believe vibration
almost jump
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