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Just looking at you
Makes me smile
You remind me to be sassy
You’re soft
And I love listening to and feeling
Your motor run
You understand
When I invite you to cuddle
You trust me fully
And I’ll never take your trust for granted
We play
We nap
You talk to me
And follow me
Wait for me to come home
You’re adorable
And I appreciate your love
I love you so much
My precious cat
I feel wounded
Your words and actions
They hurt me and haunt me

I could ask why
But why doesn’t lead anywhere
So why even bother

I both understand
And don’t understand

What is friendship
When it can be simultaneously

Ecstatic and
As we all evolve

What is a foundation of friendship
Built upon
When it seems to no longer exist

My inner child
Cries out

She feels hurt
Feels wounded
Feels tired

There’s such a feeling of
It’s overwhelming

Sometimes I numb out
Protecting myself from the hurt

Holistically I know
That to feel
Is to heal

But feeling hurts
It’s hurting me
To lean into

Those feelings
Of hurt
Of frustration

Of feeling like
What the **** happened
And why am I constantly misunderstood

It’s out
I’m misunderstood

I’m unique
I’m loving
I try to be kind

And yet
My words don’t resonate
My conversation doesn’t flow

My passions
Are separate
From those around me

Maybe I should just
Let myself be

**** the misunderstandings
I can just express myself
And be me

But can I
Am I capable of that
And what if I’m judged

Hm but then the question is
Would I rather hold myself back
In fear of people’s judgements

Or fully express myself
And feel

The wounding will come
The wounding will go
I will be here

I hug myself
Sit in nature
Process the feels

I am a beautiful being
I am worthy of being loved
I deserve understanding

Yes I am
Yes I do
I am magical
I manifest


My greatest desires
Come to me

I feel them
Feel how they will make me feel

It’s Magic
They come to me

The Universe knows exactly what I need
Wants to shower me with abundance

My abundance
Comes to me

For I am abundance
I am Magic

I am
I am
When my body speaks to me
She says I love you
She speaks in rhythms
She says trust
Love me
Hold me
I know you get confused sometimes
At things that happen
But trust me
Listen to me
I’m constantly sending you signs
Tune into me
There’s a fire in my core

Feel it

This feeling of

R a p t u r e

Filling me
Spurring me forward

Feel it

Captivating my senses

Moving inward

Energizing my whole being

Feel it

Traveling thru my Chakras
Opening a channel

Life force


My ***** lights up
Sacral energy igniting

B r e a t h e

M o v e

S o u n d

Rest my dear
For you will find
Your heart will open
As will mine

For we are one
As all are one
Together here
Unknown yet known

I love you dear
My love runs strong
Throughout your veins
And into those

Who see you dear
And hear you dear
Let them see
Let them hear

Voice your spirit
Voice your heart
Voice your love
Voice your thoughts

You’re meant to be heard
You’re meant to be seen
Vulnerability is hard
Yet also is key

When you put yourself out there
You may get hurt
Remember though dear
That I am here

Within you
Throughout you
I’ll take the lead
I’ll help them see

I’ll also comfort
And nurture
And soothe
And hold

As well as steady
And ground
While urging

You forward my dear
For you are meant to shine
Shine your light for others
To find their path

For your example
Though hard at times
Will pave the way
For those who are meant

To see you
To hear you
Ah yes
The theme

My dear
My heart feels broken
Without you by my side
For I miss the feel
Of our connection

I miss your laugh
Your smile
Your humor
Your mind

Thank you for making me laugh
Making me smile
Holding me close
Making me feel alive

I cherish the memories
And appreciate those moments
The time we had together
Before we drifted apart

We loved each other
And for that I’m thankful
I’m grateful to have met you
And I wish us both the best
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