"So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back."
:) 40 followers / 3.9k words
I felt that feeling in my heart When I left you at the bus stop That sadness that occurs When I don’t know when I’ll see you next It hurts a bit It feels unsure It grasps for you Where you were before It’s time to leave I look out the window See you standing there Tears well in my eyes Emotion shows on my face I hug myself As it passes I smile at the memories we made Resting now The journey begins In the future We’ll meet again
I felt like my heart was breaking When I thought about you
It’s an odd feeling Since you’re my dad
But there were the tell-tale signs
It’s a nostalgic feeling Combined with a sadness And a despairing emotional turn
It’s sad really Terrifying in some ways To think that I’m not loved
It isn’t true though
He loves me He cares about me
I don’t think he likes me though At least not the majority of the time
He thinks I don’t listen That I’m ungrateful
I think he’s wrong That he doesn’t hear me
I’ve been living here In this environment For a long time
I feel unwelcome by him
Yes My heart truly breaks for us For him
I care deeply for my father I love my father Yet I don’t know how to express this While maintaining my authentic self expression
Some days I give up Hole away in my treehouse room Lay in bed or distract myself
Other days I try I speak and smile I still go up to my treehouse room It’s my space
I wonder if it will ever change If our relationship will improve
I hope so I hope our hearts mend Our wounds heal Our emotions open And we spread joy and contentment Just as the sun setting and rising spreads beauty and hope
I feel like a lost girl Scared, alone, sad, lonely I am lonely I am scared I am sad I isolate I feel raw inside My heart hurts I am lost Very lost I don’t reach out I hardly respond Because I don’t know what to say I don’t really want to talk I want to be held Held for an eternity I have been crying I will keep crying Although my words are scarce on my tongue My pen leaves them open to read Hold me See me Let me be me For I am lost A lost girl For now that is me My tears speak louder than my words ever could