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Elizabeth P Feb 2014
The Snake
Heart of stone
Tears none
Venom kills

The Rose
Heart of soft aluminum
Tears plenty
Perfume enchanting

What happens when these two collide?
Does the Snake win? The Rose maybe?

No one ever wins.
The Snake finds out that its heart isn't so bulletproof
And the Rose finds out that love isn't kind to the sweet

No one ever wins.
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
Stone steel throne
livin in my bones
take em all out
and i have left to be
no one else but me

I don't feel like anybody knows
the real me
real me
but just take a minute
I'll be quick to finish
all about me

I'm too sweet
I'm not neat
I love rock
but I don't hate pop.
I am hopeless
without someone to see
To see
To see the real me

This is the undiluted truth
This is nothing you have to sleuth out
Rock out
I just wanted to type this out
So someone would know
And I could show
The real me.
I'm trying out songwriting. Any good? Feel free to comment.
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
If people only knew
What I went through
As a kid...

I had a messed up family
I never had a normal childhood really
Always lonely, single child...

Almost everyone I have ever loved
Has ran from me
Or messed up too badly to be forgiven...

But the past is the past
And there it must stay
For the future cannot come
If the past is in it's place
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
dear lord,
i don't talk to you often enough,
i know.
are you disappointed in me?
no matter, don't make anyone pay for my mistakes.
though i am lonely,
bless the friends i have
and bless the ones i have yet to make (hopefully).
bless the musicians i listen to
to drive away the loneliness in my heart.
they always makes me feel better.
bless my ex's
mend my heart
and let me find my one in a million.
and finally,
forgive me Lord for what i have done
and for what i have left undone.
i'm not perfect at all.

This is the Prayer of a Teenage Girl.
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
Was I crazy to think you might be the one?
To dream of the fun we'd have together?

Was I crazy to daydream about you and I?
To fly into the land where daydreams wander?

Was I crazy to believe that this long distance thing could work?
To think that every song related to you and me?

Now that we're over
Tell me this:
Did you really ever love me?
Was I crazy to believe that?
My boyfriend broke up with me tonight. Stupid long distance relationship.
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
A vine
A wanting, loving vine
is buried deep inside

The way the vine curls
Depends on the day
Sometimes towards the bright disk of eternity
Other times to the enchanting dusk

Once a day
I let it free
The vine wraps a soothing embrace
Around my soul
As my cords vibrate
Forming a sweet vibrato
A solemn alto
A clear soprano
To nothing but my own head

Finding my sound
The vine finding its crutch  
Trying to climb its way
To the top
But still unrecognized
And hidden
Elizabeth P Feb 2014
She says just write a poem
"It's easy to do."
Not true!

Blank page
Empty cage
Open stage.

Knock my head upon a wall,
To find anything at all
To write
Such a fight!

Should I seek war
With the air corps,
Or dance
With a lance?

Need it be love
Or death's mourning dove?

Shall it have fury,
Or shall it scurry
Like a mouse
Without a house?

All these I think,
But never ink,
Just not right,
None a delight.

But then...

Hold on a sec!
I'm not a complete wreck!
Here it comes to save my neck!

Victory is mine...
Isn't it fine?
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