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Elizabeth P Jun 2013
Inspiration fills a being
With beauty and determination
That could change a nation
In the blink of an eye
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
The path of flutters float above me
Like a silk scarf
Of orange  & black waves

I halt to listen
To the quiet whisper of the trees
To the harmonious call of the jays

I look upon this glorious place
With wonder and delight
My eyes of hazel glance upon
The bark of maples and oaks
The tails of chipmunks in the beings
Of bark and branches

I venture back to my vined enclosure
And just turn back to say
"Trail of Ever, have a good day."
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
Whisper of a butterfly's wing
On one's lip
Is what people call a kiss.
I call it happiness
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
I wait for the moment,
When time shall stop,
And the universe halt,
To an abrupt end.

I wait to see him.

The person I shall marry,
Become one with,
And intertwine my heart,
And bank account with.

I wait for that moment like everyone else.
I daydream about it like every other woman,
And girl.
So here is to the guy meant for me:
I am waiting for you.
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
Based on my current situation with a friend of mine*

His lanky build
His orange Converse sneakers
His eyes of chocolate and gold

His kind heart
His unique soul
Unafraid to show the universe
Who he is

I wish we would talk more
But he won't answer my texts
I feel so needy
And so mixed

And so I wait for
Mystery to answer
Answer back to me
And so I wait.
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
Water is life.
Water is our beginning
Straight out of our mother's womb
Water is the midsection
Keeping us going
Water is our end
Floating into memories
Rich of grief
And yet full of hope
That although life is short
Our life will be remembered and cherished
By the generation we left behind
And many to come
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
So beautiful
So deadly
So graceful
So violent
Like a dark widow spider
But this same terror
Provides us heat to warm ourselves
Light to see
The world around thee
To explore the unexplored
To be who we are
We would be none of it without a flame
A soul
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