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Jan 2013 · 505
Elizabeth Ortigo Jan 2013
I love the way I feel right after I finish a book.
It's like I'm empty and full at the same time,
and for a moment or two, time seems to stand still.
I notice the dust hanging in the air when the sunlight comes through the window.
I feel the breath enter and exit my lungs.
My pupils widen and my senses are heightened, if only for a moment.

Why does it make me feel is way?
Not really a poem, per se, but more an introspection.
Jan 2013 · 326
Haiku of the Day
Elizabeth Ortigo Jan 2013
The Lord is so good!
He's making me feel alive.
I am forgiven.
Jan 2013 · 887
Breath of Life
Elizabeth Ortigo Jan 2013
I breathe You in.
I take a deep breath and Your presence fills me.
You are beautiful. Masterful.
Awesome. Worthy of praise.
Your grace moves me to tears.
I am so undeserving. You love me anyway.
How could I ask for anything more?

But You've given me so much more!
Peace! Joy! Blessings uncountable! Songs to sing! Family! Friends!
The greatest gift of all, given freely to me.
A sinner.
A blasphemer. An adulterer. A liar.
A lazy, prideful woman.

You see through all the sin to the woman You created me to be:
A mighty woman of God, with faith as unwavering as the rising Sun.
You are my rock. My foundation.
My Redeemer. My Lord.

— The End —