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I DREAMED that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs,
For happy lovers passed two by two where I stood;
And I dreamed my lost love came stealthily out of the
With her cloud-pale eyelids falling on dream-dimmed
I cried in my dream, O women, bid the young men lay
Their heads on your knees, and drown their eyes with your fair,
Or remembering hers they will find no other face fair
Till all the valleys of the world have been withered away.
I'd pull every ******* tooth out of my head
if it would solve anything at all
but I would just bleed
and hurt more than I do
it wouldn't stop the any of the withdrawls
I hereby declare war
on anything I've ever loved
Which isn't a lot
because I still haven't found
that much worth speaking of
so I'll just sit in my pile of teeth and blood
and try to remember
where these feeling come from

If I could follow the roots
all the way to the source of the problem
then what's the point of existing?
if it's all so simple so solve them
if I knew who made me feel like this
I would shake their hand and kiss their ring
because that's the person that taught me how to sing
how to write
how to live
what to die for
though I may never find
the origin of this sickness
that's allright
because that one person doesn't exist
yet I hate the one
that taught me to resist

whoever you are
one day you'll be the death of me
and wherever you are
I hope you're safe and breathing
because I'll be the one
to hear your last breath leaving
and on that day
you'll be buried
with all the burdons
that you've carried
every storm you've braved
will be right with you in that grave
because no one really remembers the dead anyway

bless your heart
and **** your actions
free your thoughts
don't fear reaction
live like you died yesterday
not that it matters anyway
because we'll all be dead soon too.
Thanks, stranger.
The wires sprouting from my chest
they protect my heart
like it's covered by a kevlar vest
and they run
from my core
all the way down to my feet
and back up again
to wrap me in a subtle need
for solitude and solidarity
it's all over
there's nothing left to see
I self-destructed
and pulled myself together
one too many times it seems
because something is missing
something is not as it should be

So let's not focus on the past
when we've got this bright future
spitting in our faces
and what's left to love?
I find nothing worth speaking of
until we learn to restore our trust
we speak only lies
and we breathe only dust
and we're weakened by time
until our figures disgust ourselves
can we escape this hell?
can we ever help?
I'm trying to forget
everything that I've felt
and just start clean
but we fiend for that opposition
we all wanna see their rendition of us
to peek at their position
in this race to turn to rust

But the sun will rise again
and someday we'll all be free from ourselves
I just hope we're here
to find out if it happens
I just hope we're here
to find out if it works
caus'e that's when we'll build our plan of action
constructed from our blood, sweat, tears
the dirt from our hands over the years
I hope one day
we forget to feed our fears
**** Editing.
You're not alone
you never were
we all just lost you
when you got hurt
so welcome home
I hope you've had a chance to grow
to show us all
that you can do it on your own
I allways knew that you would make it
you're so cold
Now sit right down because you're mine
to have and hold

They x-rays get old
we're not really so transparent
you twist your crown of thorns
upon your throne
and with no shame you wear it
you still have your pride
and no one can take that away
but that life's on the brink
and could slip up anyday
so live
while you can
as we watch the heavens
fall to earth again
and nothing really changes
good god

You're not alone
you never were
we all just lost you
when you got hurt
so welcome home
I'm glad you made it out alive
do you feel alright?
do you feel revived?
do you feel alone?
do you need more time?
should I stop asking
all these ******* questions?

The blood runs cold
it all gets old
it's nothing new
and never will be
we've seen it all before
and we all know when you're unhappy
so ******* say something
don't waste our time
you fell in love
you didn't fall in line
and don't worry
you not crazy
you're just lost

You're not alone
you never were
we all just lost you
when you got hurt
so welcome home
come take shelter
we'll hide you from
the rain whenever
it must be tough in this bleak december
but when you leave again
i just hope that you remember
you're not alone

The scabs will all fall off
but don't scratch
you don't want scars
you don't need any help
reminding people who you are
and when it's cold
all the scar tissue turns white
but you can't see it in the dark
So just hide em one more night
and hope it all just soaks within
one day maybe
good god
Where'd you go?
I am glad God saw Death
And gave Death a job taking care of all who are tired
     of living:

When all the wheels in a clock are worn and slow and
     the connections loose
And the clock goes on ticking and telling the wrong time
     from hour to hour
And people around the house joke about what a ***
     clock it is,
How glad the clock is when the big Junk Man drives
     his wagon
Up to the house and puts his arms around the clock and
          "You don't belong here,
          You gotta come
          Along with me,"
How glad the clock is then, when it feels the arms of the
     Junk Man close around it and carry it away.

— The End —