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1.2k · Aug 2014
Pet Peeve Disease
Elizabeth Halaas Aug 2014
Can a disease be a pet peeve?
This one can.
It has taken over my family and torn them apart.
It has grown inside of people I love,
Tormenting, restraining, and suppressing them.
It adds a higher level of suffering,
So that my bad days are comparatively fine.
My sufferings don't count
Their sufferings count too much, making them
I worry about the things they will do or say
I worry about their safety
I worry that they'll always feel this way
I can never escape this disease inside of people around me
I will forever have to be the strong one
The one holding it together, so they can fall apart
What happens, if I fall apart?
I feel alone, and afraid
All because of some stupid disease.
720 · Dec 2011
In Progress
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
The little baby girl
So full of life
The child so eager
To take all that life
Can give her
The superstar wanna-be
Creating a dream
Holding on so tightly
Responsible, caring
She sees the world
With new eyes
And drops her head
She copes, she lives,
Yet she knows
The hope is gone
In love,
In glorious
Growing patient and kind
Planning and learning
Making her own place in life
And carefully keeping
Her dreams at bay
So that he will
Ask her one day
622 · Dec 2011
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
Daddy, I miss you
Why are you gone?
Because I have dreams to fulfill

Daddy, I need you
Why are you gone?
Because you have others to guide you

Daddy, I hate you
Why are you gone?
Because my own life needs me now

Daddy, I love you
Why are you gone?
The silence is so hard to fill.
552 · Dec 2011
I Smile
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
I smile
We laugh and talk of the usual things
Summer, Fall, Winter to Spring
I see you as more
You see me as well
So we're together, blossoming with love
I smile
I can't help it!
There's something in your eyes
I trust you with myself
You trust me back
We now have a bond, untouchable
I give to you, you give to me
We complete each other it seems
I smile
Suddenly you're leaving
Nothing to be done
I dream and pray that you'll find a way
You wonder if I'll ever betray
That's something I would *never
Your doubts and distrust
My fears and panic
We are apart
I smile
You are not leaving, no
And even if you were, so?
Can't love break through anything?
I see that without you I am not whole
Part of me is gone
I'm lonely without you
You feel the same?
Then together again, we're glad
I smile
Now we take it one step further
You hold me, as I hold you
Never let this moment end* I pray
Then you surprise me
A kiss
So simple, yet so wonderful
Another, more, and longer
I feel the bond grow so much stronger
So strong in fact, and everlasting
I start to doubt
I smile
I feel I must, for your sake
If you detect anything amiss
You would be hurt beyond belief
But still this persistant nagging,
Too intense, too much pressure
Are you sure he
loves you?
Do you really
love him?
I smile
Yet you see right through it all
You know something is gone
Something is lost
You **** a little, and out comes too much
We can't be together
Living this lie
I don't love you, you don't love me
How childish do you want to be?
To believe in something you've never felt.

I see your eyes fill with tears
Of anger and distrust and sorrow
I see this pain and can no longer bear it
I smile
For your sake
Maybe if everything seems alright to me
You will heal faster
I see you grieving, as though someone died
I want to run to you,
To hold you
To comfort and tell you I feel the same way!
But if I do, won't that just undo all of the
Protecting, and
Careful avoidance of your eyes
That I've been suffering through
Only to try to help you?
So though it hurts more than words could say,
Though everything in me longs for us again,
Though all I want is your arms and heart,
I stand tall,
Act normal,
          And Smile
527 · Jan 2012
You Got In
Elizabeth Halaas Jan 2012
You got in!
You are going to the college of your dreams!
And I'm jazzed that you're getting what you need to be
You're going halfway around the world to do what
Most want to do.
Couldn't be happier.
Couldn't imagine the questions that
I have.

First, and foremost,
What about us?
What do you expect me to do?
I feel guilty because, though I'm happy for
I'm depressed and angry too.
Six years I've
Three more, without
But I'm stuck, because
You got in
To my heart.
I can't just leave you,
I can't do anything but wait for
Again and again, because
I love you.

So what am I supposed to do?
Learn to live with and without you?
I'm sorry, but I don't want to.
500 · Jun 2014
Touch Me
Elizabeth Halaas Jun 2014
Make me forget my name, and all the worries that go with it
Gentle breeze, caress me
Lapping waves, leech away my aches
Bending limbs, relax me
Deep massage, remake me

Brush through my hair, to raise it
Trace my lips, my jaw, my neck
Put the world back in perspective
Doing this reminds me;
I will be alright
Everything is fine
And my only job in this moment
Is to enjoy it, when you
Touch me
483 · Dec 2011
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
Up on top of cloud nine
If I sing I'll jump
An octave or more

I feel like smiling
Like laughing and running
No, not running away
Running to you!
Running into your arms,
Laughing as we
Once more

This won't last forever
So I'll hold on
To this joy that I
Feel like nothing is wrong

It all comes back
To You

Without you I'd be

I can't see life
Without your words
Your life means so much

I can hide nothing
From you
Nor do I want to

With each boundry
We cross
The more confident
I grow,
That we will have
Forever; of course, to this
I won't admit, that
*You're the one
463 · Dec 2011
Just Friends
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
Ridiculous is what this is!
Why can't life ever make up its mind?

You stare at me, I look away
Yet somehow your stare is friendly still,
While mine is interpretted as a longing gaze!
That's what it was, I must admit
But I thought that was also yours!

All this tumoil, all this drama!
And strangely, it's all in my head
I can't love him, but does he love me?
If he does,  then I can too.
But if he doesn't, I'll feel like a fool!

I don't want to cause you more pain
But when 'ere I see that look on your face...
When I see your kindness
When I see you smile
When you show concern, I see anew
All the reasons I first fell for you

In truth a contract I have signed
We must be over, we've lived our passion
We've kissed and swooned
And now it's done.

Now we are friends
I will stay with this vow
For every day, til the end from now
I'll remember us fondly,
And admire you still,
My love, my friend
Forever I will
460 · Dec 2011
To A Stranger
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
I cannot see you now.
I cannot hear you call me Angel,
Nor can I taste your lips on mine,
I cannot tell you the truth.
I remember.
I recall everything.
The music, the magic, the love,
It's all still inside me, and there is it alone.
For no one can say it is right to hold on,  
So long after you and I are gone.
But the me that I was
Remembers the us
That cannot exist anymore.

Do you recall any of this?
Would you say you care or miss
The days we had when we were young?
I know it is right for us to move on,
But sometimes when I'm lonely
And sometimes when I'm glad
I think of all the time we had

And how you used to hold me
And how you used to love me
And how I had to hurt you to set you free
And above all, I hope you forgive me
Because I did what I needed to do
To help you move on and to draw some boundries
And in another life I would take it back
In a life where you're meant for me
But you're not
So all I can say is
I'm Sorry
444 · Dec 2011
Being Blind
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
The world
Or him

Choose between
A safe, calm, ignorant life
And the
Right life for me

My parents' ideals
Or mine

Give in, give up this pain
And forever lose him

My heart breaks at this

I've given up my
Friends, comfort, dreams,
Nearly everything
For him
And now this

I wish it wasn't so hard, but
It's still worth the pain
If you have true love
If you have salvation
If you have a happy life
Why would you give it all up?
For a faulty marriage,
Damnation, and a lifetime
Of regrets

I won't
I refuse to let this go

They can hurt me,
Take everything away from me,
But they can't change this
And if they can't accept it
I'll leave
436 · Dec 2011
Two Worlds in Darkness
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
The city sleeps
A moment in time

As every shadow grows
The light in my eyes grows farther

Lights, far and distant
Glowing perpetually as the sky
Clouded over from rain

A message, but it is no more
Than a wish

Soft, wet sprinkles of life
Fall upon my hard fingertips

A door, a small flash

I try so hard to see,
To see only that I wish not to see

A gentle breath across my face
Ice cool against my pulsing flesh

The night grows deep blue at one side
The far country of the east
The orange sky to the west is the city

Quiet and calm
Pulsing and constant
Both joyous and calming

A light goes out,
Though I never saw it on

A door, once again

This ever-present light
Separates me
But my love is equal
In both worlds

The city sleeps
401 · Sep 2014
Elizabeth Halaas Sep 2014
I never thought my body would act without me

I'm not thinking of

The new work I'm not competent in yet
The test I need to pass today to get to
The next test
And the next
Every week
For a year
To the final test
Which determines if I'll be middle or lower class
For the rest of my life

I'm not thinking of
My roommate's problems
My boyfriend's problems
My parent's problems
(Which are as variant and serious as my own)

I'm only singing along with the radio
But my body knows
My body is thinking and worrying and working on overdrive
It holds my breath, it protects my vitals, it drops my blood pressure
My face tingles with the blood that leaves it,
My ears ring and my vision turns b l o t c h y
And I feel fuzzy and clammy, dizzy and heavy
I'm going to pass out

But I have to get to work!
Or class!
Or home!
Otherwise I will fail
At work
At school
At my career
At home

I'm holding on, I'm pushing through
But my body is stressing, and being
390 · Dec 2011
The Disease
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011

I know my sins
I guess I'm deserving
My eyes are wide awake
Life isn't easy
God is just
It was my time.

I love you God
With all my soul
I'm sorry, God, for among sinners
I am the worst
I never cared
Yet now I fear and love thee
Your powers are greater
Than I ever knew
To take an innocent like me
To put me through fire
And come back to see
That I need you

This scar upon me is fading
Yet the scar upon my heart
Stays true
A constant reminder
Ever present
You aren't your own
I can take you away

I belong to you, God
From you and this
I'll never stray
'Til the end of my life
From this very day
377 · Dec 2011
My Baby
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
Beautiful child                                                                   
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                
Soul of my soul                           

                                        Oh, how I long to touch you,

  To teach you, to heal you,
  To help you, to reach you

  To feel you   g r o w i n g   inside of me
  To *know
so much more than I now can see

*Baby, my baby                                                                 

                           To have my own family                                        

                                          I long for a child of my own
333 · Dec 2011
The Question
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
When will it be right to want what I want?

When will the world cease to stop me at all?

I don't think it's wrong to want what I do,

So why must I wait?                            
                                      Wait for the money?
Or for the timing?
                                      Or for that sweet day

When you finally free me and keep me?

For love can't be wrong when it's patient, but

I know not how much longer to be strong.

Or should I just take

                                    Myself out of it

And learn to make my dreams come true alone?

This is the question that keeps me at bay,

From either pulling or pushing away.
323 · Aug 2014
Elizabeth Halaas Aug 2014
There are hidden things
Traits I must conceal
Feelings and Beliefs
That known, would give me grief

Those I wish to tell
Would say I'll burn in hell
If they only understood the love
That's buried underneath
293 · Aug 2014
Escaping the Nightmares
Elizabeth Halaas Aug 2014
I've learned the way to close my eyes
And open them

When pursued by a hunter
I can lift myself and fly

When locked in battle with a difficult foe
I can choose to accept a reality

While dreaming of demons and monsters
I close my eyes, curl in on myself, and awaken
266 · Jun 2014
Elizabeth Halaas Jun 2014
Hold me in your arms
Distract me with your charms
Keep the world at bay
Take away my light
Leave me in the night
Quiet, and alone

It doesn't really matter, if you stay, or if you go
The world, it just moves faster, or it starts, to move slow
And I'm tired of it all revolving around you
Guess I'm craving something different and new

Go to School
Learn what you don't know
Try your best to grow
To make that money, babe
Go to Work
I've got to get a job
Relying on someone to pay the bills
Can be a drag

And I'm tired of it all leading to nothing
When every step forward is two steps back, you know
I just want something fun and worthwhile to do
Or at least a good distraction, like you

Make my world brand new
Show me what to do
To make it get better
Make me beautiful
Successful and well-loved
Charming and clever
Just give me some time
To breathe, to free my mind
Hold my hand once in a while
Let just one thing go right
Take away my fright
Make it get better

Make it get better
Because I'm one step closer to dying here
And one step further from caring
Please, make it get better
"Change" is a song, written by Elizabeth Halaas, with music on piano, guitar, and drums.
244 · Aug 2014
Elizabeth Halaas Aug 2014
There is a game you like to play
To make our conflict go away
A game that starts with an angry me
And ends with you getting all you dream

My reasons are valid, you have no true logic,
So suddenly you frown and say,
I am a monster, I'll go away

So far removed from the initial crime,
I am distracted, distressed, and designed
To help you from your misery
You're no monster, let me make you see

This is wrong, it is a crime,
To take my heart, control my mind
Over and over you use this line
I won't fall for a monster this time.
236 · Jun 2014
Day 649
Elizabeth Halaas Jun 2014
Since you left, I have changed
I have cried and laughed and hated and loved
I have grown and stayed young
I have wished for death and felt full of life
I have felt empty and heavy with nothingness

I have waited...
Endlessly, it feels

Only 206 more days to go
Before, what?  I don't know
You see me every day?
You continue to stay away?
Will it even matter anymore?

My heart is silent and hard,
Protected against the love I see around me,
Against the longing I feel inside me
Waiting til it is safe
To bloom back into life
Once more

— The End —