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Sep 2012 · 744
Mad Silence
Mad silence is all around
Whispering to me
Ringing in my ears
The sounds of silence
Are all around

The sound of sadness
Rings loud and true
Pain in my heart
An ache to be healed
The sounds of sadness
Are all around

The sound of loneliness
I feel deep and true
Heart, house and life
The sounds of loneliness
Are all around

The sound of pain
My pain
My life
My heart
The sounds of pain
Are all around

The sound of love I
Do desire
The sounds of love
Are all around

The sound of laughter
To abound
The sounds of laughter
Are all around

The sound of happiness
Someone to hold
The sounds of happiness
Are all around

All these sounds I
Someone else's laughter
Someone else's happiness
Someone else's love

Only my own loneliness
Only my own sadness
Only my own pain
Only my own mad silence
Ring in my ears
Sep 2012 · 635
In Another Life
Did I love you in another lifetime?
Could it possibly be?
Another lifetime for you and me?

So many clouded memories fill my mind.
Images of what might have been.
Dreams of what we could have had.

Did I love you in another lifetime?
Could it possibly be?
Another lifetime for you and me?

Memories flood my mind veiled in the mists
of what could have been.
Longing to feel your touch again,
I sit and think of you.

Did I love you in another lifetime?
Could it possibly be?
Another lifetime for you and me?

Remembering what was once,
But is now forever gone.
Did you love me?
Did you?

Did you love me in another lifetime?
Could it possibly be?
Another lifetime for you and me?
Sep 2012 · 518
I Wish
I wish that I could see myself just as you see me.
I wish I could see the beauty that you see.
I wish I could feel the love that you say is there.
I wish I could feel that I am as perfect as you say.
I just wish I could see my strength just as you do.

I don't see these things
I see the chaos
I see the pain
I see the hurt
I see the loss

I just wish I could see my strength just as you do.
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Do You Hear Me
Do you hear me
Do you see any part of me
Do you feel me
If I cut you will you bleed for me?

I try to walk in your shoes
I try to understand
But I feel like I'm walking all over your soul
Do you feel me reach for you
Do you hear me call to you
Can't you feel me waiting in pain

I wonder do you need me
like I need you (even as a friend)
I remember the memories (from the past)
I wish you could understand (as I do)

I reach for you
I call to you
Do you even hear me
My heart aches for you
But I feel like I'm walking all over your soul
Can't you feel me waiting in pain

You say we are friends
I believe you
You are the best friend anyone could have
I love you, I tell you I do
Do you love me, do you feel anything for me (even as a friend)
Can you say the words that I long to hear (even as if a friend)

The pain gets to me
The times when I feel there are things you want to say
Things I know that I want to say, and I can't
It would change things too much
And I won't risk you and what we have.
But I feel like I'm walking all over your soul
Can you feel me waiting in pain

Do you feel me reach for you
Do you feel me call for you
Can't you feel me waiting in pain
When I thought everything was gone, lost,
there you were to pull me back

Please hear me when I call to you
Please feel me when I reach for you
Can't you feel me waiting in pain
I love you, you may never love me
but I will love you until I die
and even then nothing can break that love

I wish I could just let you go...
I need to let you go.
Sep 2012 · 887
The Past
I feel lost and alone the past haunting me.
I know you care but it's not the same as it once was.
I wish you could see into my soul and know the love I feel.

I wish I could see the strength in my soul just as you see it.
I'm not strong like you believe, I'm weak and fragile and my heart is breaking.
I'm scared of what I see, I'm scared of what I feel, I'm scared of what I know.

Images of the past dance in my mind, showing me pretty pictures of what once was.
Now it fades into ash and dust, and the pictures fade away.
The pictures are not lost though, just forgotten for a time...

Forgotten until you find the key that unlocks the memory
Then they come spilling forth
And my heart breaks again because I can't tell you without fear of rejection.

Things are different now for both of us, it isn't the same as it once was
The fear looms near and my heart feels it creeping in.
I just want to tell you all I see, I want you to know what I know...

I want you to believe as I won't change anything in the present
I just want you to know -- then maybe the pain in my heart will ease
Maybe I can listen to a ballad and not cry for the memory of you.

My heart longs for you
but my fear holds me back
and I sit and cry for you.
Sep 2012 · 640
Let Me Go
I can't sleep when you're all I think about.

How do I hide what I feel for you from everyone; you're like my secret I hide from the world.

Fate sought to make it impossible to have you anywhere but in my head; but that isn't enough.

I feel like there is a ghost living in my heart. A ghost that just won't let me be,  won't let me go. You hold on to my heart and how can I let you go when you won't let me be; your memory haunts me.

Oh, my Love we can't live in the past but our hearts belong there. There our love is true and whole. We can be together no questions asked.

I need you like the tide needs the moon and if I can't have all of your love in this life then I will settle for what I can have. It breaks my heart and hurts like no pain I have ever felt before; but friends we must be.

I love you but I will let our past go, let it fade into the night wind and say goodbye to it.

I love you and I must say goodbye now...I need to let you go, what holds me to you, please let me go...let me go.

I love you!
Sep 2012 · 948
I wish it would all go away.
the pain
the hurt
the sorrow

This life has enough of the
and sorrow

More gets added and you don't know how to deal with
the pain
and the sorrow

Is the love (friendship) real or is it just my imagination
the pain
and sorrow

A connection so strong like no other
the pain
and sorrow

When will it all go away when will it stop
the pain
and sorrow

I just want the love, the friendship and everything that goes with it
even the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow

Just as long as I have you in my life I'll take it all and then some
even the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow

And I'll always be there for you no matter what
through the pain
the hurt
and the sorrow.
Sep 2012 · 532
Beautiful Lie
Today I cried for you
I just wanted you to tell me a beautiful lie
but not even that was possible

The tears flowed as the emotions became overwhelming
I just wanted to hear a beautiful lie from you
Why was it not possible

The sun went down and darkness surrounded and still I cried
I just wanted you to tell me a beautiful lie
Why couldn't you, would it have hurt anything

The darkness held me in it's cold embrace when I wanted to be in your warm embrace
I just wanted to hear a beautiful lie from you
Why won't you just say it

I cried in the darkness, tears wet on my cheek, all for you
No beautiful lie came from you
Why can't you just tell me you love me it's all I wanted, a beautiful lie

— The End —