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Elise Shore Apr 2012
It calls you to sleep,
At the end of a long day,
It feels so comfy,
You fall asleep right away,
And wake up feeling refreshed
Elise Shore Apr 2012
Flying to feeders,
Singing lots of pretty songs,
The many songs mix,
And collide with harmony,
Each song supporting the other
Elise Shore Apr 2012
The night sky looming,
The scent of prey just ahead,
Leap and land on it,
Give the neck a killing bite,
And take it back home to share
Elise Shore Apr 2012
The bright red LED light,
It's shine strongly declaring,
Get up and get ready!
Elise Shore Apr 2012
The big screen shining,
And the mouse sliding around,
The world is not there
Elise Shore Apr 2012
It sits before me,
It's wood a pretty brown oak,
Saying, 'Come and write!'
Elise Shore Apr 2012
First they are heavy,
Then you think they might be gone,
Reach up to your face,
They slightly move with your touch,
And you know they are there
Elise Shore Apr 2012
His love never changes sides
He is Peacemaker

He's omnipresent
He always can be with you
He's not too busy

He knows everything
He could tell you every thought
That you ever think

He is powerful
God can always do all things
Nothing is too big

He can move mountains
He can pick up anything
He can do all things
Elise Shore Apr 2012
He watches and cares
He keeps us safe on journeys
Remember his love
His love is unchangeable
His love is never-ending
Elise Shore Apr 2012
His star is brightest,
His love is remembered,
The marks on his skin
Elise Shore Apr 2012
Everlasting love
The perfect, unchanging love
From Jesus Christ alone
Elise Shore Apr 2012
Clogging up boxes,
Using up lots of paper,
Talk around the world
Elise Shore Apr 2012
It feels so lonely,
Like a teardrop clinging tight,
It's like I'm alone,
Abuse and neglect are gone,
But memories are still there
Elise Shore Apr 2012
Big white and fluffy,
Not visible in the snow,
That's my cat Snowball
Elise Shore Apr 2012
Thank you our teachers,
For everything that you do,
By teaching us all,
We feel we need to thank you,
Don't forget that your the best!
Elise Shore Apr 2012
The worlds' what it's called,
Spinning round and round quite fast,
It's still together,
Sometimes wondering how it does,
Science doesn't explain much

— The End —