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 Dec 2013 Elise Leslie
Taru M
if self improvement* was ********
I would be ******* everywhere
dedicated to Fight Club
 Dec 2013 Elise Leslie
you're 17,
but you're a beauty queen,
only a year older than me,
but you'll never open up your eyes to see, but
you have a georgia jagger smile,
and in my dreams,
you're with me,
i'm complete,

but for now you're only words on the page of poem,
that you will never read,
you're wonderful, incredible and yet i'm invisible,

the way you hold your stares,
the way you tuck your hair behind your ears,
the way you bite your lip,
the way your beauty is pure,
the way you stutter as if you're unsure,
as if you can't see how perfect,
in my eyes you are too me,

i just wished you'd notice that i'm the angel who'd give up her wings to be your anything,
if that's what you needed from me,
you're beautiful

you're so **** dead set beautiful and nobody compares to you

Here dead we lie
Because we did not choose
To live and shame the land
From which we sprung.

Life, to be sure,
Is nothing much to lose,
But young men think it is,
And we were young.
 Dec 2013 Elise Leslie
five am missed his redheaded friend
but i didn't miss him at all
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