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Elise Grenier Jan 2014
I'm not old to love, but I'm not new to it either
And girl,
The things you do to me.
When your arms are around me I feel a warmth in my core like drinking hot tea too fast.
Oh the way you squeeze me,
Tease me,
Finally appease me
When I feel your hand ease into mine.
Girl you said you've got ****,
But if you think I can't carry it
You don't know **** about me.
I'm not in love with your past.
I don't want to hold you for your exes,
I don't want to kiss your lips for a lingering taste of tobacco
I want you
You, being your skin, your hair, your legs and arms and center
The buoyancy of your laugh,
The clarity of your smile,
Your ability be happy
In a world that does these things to you.
Oh but girl the way you wear me,
Tear me,
Take your time and share me
Makes me want to scream-- but
I feel it from my head to my toes, even if it doesn't have a name, even if I'm not allowed to name it,
It follows me out the door every morning
It puts me to sleep every night
And somehow something so bizarre
has never felt so right.
Elise Grenier Jan 2014
I have a soul that bleeds on the open floor.
I feel the sadness in a night full of laughter, art, the city
The city
Where I've fallen for the confidence that comes with anonymity.
Sometimes the desire crops up to just go out alone,
or to look at a bright light
and think about you, and how right you feel.
There was a time when my life was a trap
There still are times when I feel that friendship is an illusion
When I feel so isolated that I want to ride a train to the end of its line, but then what
And I think about the first time you let me into your heart
on the steps of a Harvard registrar's office
so far in the dead of night that only ghosts of empty shuttles could be heard.
Sometimes I'm not quite sure if I've had a friend
Sometimes I feel like worshipping love
And sometimes when we're together
and you hold me
and I hold you
and we sleep,
the gentlest stroke of your thumb on my arm is enough to tell me what love is,
For I've found it standing earnestly before me,
eyes peeled,
soul open in the spiral steam of her breath that rises in the December air.
Girl, look at this for what it is
Everything it is, and tell me if it's too soon
to say I love you.
Elise Grenier Jan 2014
I just want you to know
That you're beautiful.
I love your deep purple combat boots, and
How you dance in your striped party tie to old school rap in the failed laundry room rave of twenty-thirteen.
Every time we talk alone together
I feel like I am about to kiss you.
I think it's **** that you used to smoke,
I think it's sexier that you quit
And I like those weekends when we gravitate into your bed,
I like it more when you don't want to get up.
I love your grunge and your ***** clothes,
And your vulnerable side, whose head, when it rears, is welcome to my chest at any time of day.
It feels nice to be falling in love with you,
It feels nicer when I feel you falling for me.
Elise Grenier Jan 2014
The whole time we were together I was yelling to you in my mind
to kiss me.
I don't understand it myself,
but it's electric
and I love it!
Elise Grenier Jan 2014
I'll take a poem for you, if that's what you want.
I cannot give you much else.
Around you I feel higher, brighter;
The natural gravity between your arms
and me
It's like being a child again,
the tough skin of your palm on mine
brings me to a place of content like
a tree that finally goes orange,
Or a door that clicks behind us when we escape the brisk city night.
I want to hold you.
I don't care for the **** thing, but
I care for the cozy thing, and
I want to melt into you when the sun goes down.
We don't have to tell our friends, no;
You can kiss me when nobody's looking.
You can squeeze my hand when this city seems just a little big for us.
Why don't you have me over
when nobody else is home?
We'll start with the jokes, the anecdotes, the stories,
and I'll sit closer,
I'll look into your dark eyes.
You'll let your knee touch mine
just so gently, the way you do, and
maybe you'll tell me what I've been dying to hear
since day one.
You're what I want, girl.
But maybe at another time.
Maybe in another world.
Elise Grenier Jan 2014
Je déteste que je t'aime
Mon chère, mon nightmare
I wish I didn't.
Je voudrais que tu oublier
Ce que tu as pensé
And I want you to look at me for what I am,
et pour ce que j'aurai
la douleur exquise.
Pardonnez-moi mon amie,
In fact close your eyes, block your ears
I don't want you to hear parce que
L'autre soir, je ne plaisantais pas
quand j'ai dit que je veux vous tenir
ce soir,
chaque soir,
and if you'd like to, you can be la grande cuillère.
You can pick it all up like the weight of words on your chest,
you can put it all down in the morning.
étais-je mets ici, tout près de toi
pour une raison?
We're speaking in codes,
Do you know that your name looks comme une œuvre d'art
I want to paint it up my ribs and on the inside of my cheek
et je veux le dit pour tous.
De rire avec vous.
De prendre tes cheveux dans mes deux mains et remercier quelqu'un, anyone
for this.
It's only une rêve.
Mais après les blagues et l'anormalité de nos vies
Tout ce que je veux dans ce monde maintenant,
est d'embrasser vos lèvres,
et dire
You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

— The End —