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Jul 2015 · 390
The Weary Tree
Elise Barari Jul 2015
Many months have come and gone
In a silent glade
Under the elders shade
Away from prying eyes
Tucked away from harm
I grew

A hundred years passed by
Hushed whispers rustle
My leaves
Bare feet come running
Bare hands hug my branches
Once I was small
But now I have arisen

Two hundred years
Flew past on the wing of the wind
Bustling nests rested on my shoulders
I can hear their calls and cries
Those hands and feet
Are bigger and smarter now

Three hundred years went away
And one day
The melody of the birds faded
Replaced by a crackling sound
Throughout the woods
My friend lays dead
Beside my feet

Four hundred years have come
What once was a quiet home
Is now an empty wasteland
I hear no sound of birds
My family fell one by one

Five hundred years slipped by
I long for sound
For days of hands climbing up my bough
When laughter rang through the woods
Everything so beautiful

Six hundred years came
For the first time in years
The lifeless silence
Was broken
By the sounds of small footsteps
They dug into the ground
Placed a small something there
A seed
A child

Seven hundred years move past
The seeds beneath the surface
Burst through the blanketed soil
Fragile sprouts grow into strong trunks

Eight hundred years skip by
What once was a desolate emptiness
Is now dotted
With my new children, my family
Yet I still yearn for the song
Of my early days
I hear
The gentle chorus
Of chirps
Jul 2015 · 347
Early Sunset
Elise Barari Jul 2015
I lost you
Your gentle voice
Carried away on the west wind
Your ageless words
Rested by my ears
They never touched my heart
They simply flitted away
Like butterflies against
The sunset
One day the butterflies
And the sunset was smooth
Much unlike my heart
Jul 2015 · 347
Where we are
Elise Barari Jul 2015
I don't know
Where the old road ended
Where the new road began
How the birds stopped singing
When my mind wasn't clouds
When the river played
With the river bank

We could've watched it all
You and I
The sun as high as my hopes
When the birds sang
The earth

But now the clouds are here
And I'll only think of them
Hoping that one day
Just one day
I'll see the stars

— The End —