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Jun 2015 · 385
A new beginning
Elijah Jimenez Jun 2015
When I look into your eyes I don't think "I hope she loves me" anymore. Now I think I hope she knows how much I do love her. As I stare into those brown eyes I see a love for me and who I am. As my lips touch hers and I kiss her, I can feel the "magic" of her soul. As my hands grab onto her face, I all of the sudden feel like nothing else matters and when I hug her tight I feel at home. The smell of her hair as she lays on my chest will forever be in my nose and the silence of her sleeping assures me that she feels safe In my arms. They say love never fails and I think we are the truth to that. Our love has never failed. Sure, we have had some rough times but those weren't enough to take love from us. When you know something is real, no one can tell you different. She is real and she is my love. I never thought that this would happen, a fair tail so to speak but honestly as cliche as that sounds this one has a happy ending.  My happy ending is not ending but a beginning with you.
Jan 2015 · 370
You are you
Elijah Jimenez Jan 2015
One day I'll stop searching for your name to make sure you're still there. I'll stop staring out my window hoping you'll appear and one day I'll get over you and stop believing you'll come back here. Memories never fade but the smell of you will, but deep down you know that I'll love you still. I have always loved you even when you weren't next too me, but now I get to enjoy more of your company. The way you laugh, smile and how cute you are in the morning is what I look forward to, no one can take you're place because you are you.
Elijah Jimenez Jun 2014
How is it that we only feel only what our mind let's us, how do we not let it win, how do we change ourselves from within. We're so used to how it feels to be in pain, that happiness for you and me are not the same. Our mind has more control over what we think, feel, our emotions and love, that what we think we could feel is never what it seems. It is real or fake, does someone love me or was it all a ******* lie for heaven's sake. Can you feel my heart beating violently inside my chest, can you hear my thoughts like a tornado never wanting to rest, at best in just a guest in my own mind. I have to sign in but I could never sign out. I'm trapped forever in such violent weather, waiting for the sun to shine like I was promised. Will I make it or will I drown in the deep waters or my mind, what will I find or will I stay blind. Open my eyes to your mercy and show me that you're bigger then all adversity. Calm my heart and appear in my head, tell me you're alive and not dead. You said, that the broken will mend. Lean on me and I will give you rest. Finally I've realized that this was all a test and you've been there holding out your hand saying son let me invest. Let me take it all away and give the strength I have today.
Mar 2014 · 342
A dream of paradise
Elijah Jimenez Mar 2014
I'll never leave your side, I'll be here till we all subside, from this hell on earth. Our souls will take us to a place of worth. Where the sun shines and the pain no longer interferes, as we walk farther into the depths we begin to hear all of our loved ones cheers. We finally made it, were finally together again, and now this broken heart can actually smile without it being pretend. The happiness I've longed for is steps away and with an arms reach, only to be wiped away when we open our eyes. Its a dream and now it's goodbye. How much longer till it's real and we can have all we want? I guess we must find the strength within and listen to what we were tought. One day I'll close my eyes and wake up in a place full of everything I've wanted it to be, a place with what only I can see. Your smile and warm touch will greet me and nothing but clouds will be beneath me. Hold on tight for the ride because at the of it, all of your sorrows will be worth it.
Feb 2014 · 379
love me
Elijah Jimenez Feb 2014
Love me for me, either stick around or let me be. We long for something real, but we won't settle no matter how lonely we feel. Love is sweet and kind, it's a strong bond that one day will be mine. When I utter those 3 words it will come from deep within my heart, I've known it all along and right from the start. Love me now and We will be together, be my treasure that I will cherish forever.
Feb 2014 · 308
love me
Elijah Jimenez Feb 2014
Love me for me, either stick around or let me be. We long for something real, but we won't settle no matter how lonely we feel. Love is sweet and kind, it's a strong bond that one day will be mine. When I utter those 3 words it will come from deep within my heart, I've known it all along and right from the start. Love me now and We will be together, be my treasure that I will cherish forever.
Elijah Jimenez Jan 2014
Life is sometimes a precious waste, it's been given up on and its been erased. We put on a fake smile so no one knows the hurt deep within our hearts, we screamed for help as loud as we could from the start. Our screams fall on deaf ears, but now our dreams are our worst fears. The reality is no longer wanting to live but it's now how much more can we give. No one sees the pain, the hurt, the sadness or the tears, but they only see what we want them to see not what we see as we look in the mirrors. We are pros at hiding all our emotions, just so someone won't figure out that we're only going through the motions. At Night that's when it's the worst, we hope to make it through the day and not have to be put in a Hurst. Don't cry for me or say you were always there, But realize that this pain is unfair. It takes lives way to fast, so open your eyes because no matter what you won't be pasted. The cuts and scares show how real this can be, no matter how hard it is to see. Reach out to the ones that seem like they it all because you'll find out its nothing like you thought at all. Its easy to die but harder to live, but death seem like the only way out when you gave all you could give.  This is real and in the blink of an eye it will find someone to steal. Be strong and never give in, fight for your life until the very end. You'll see that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, just like after a storm and the rain becomes Settle. Remember that no matter how much hurt and pain this life has gave,  it can all be wiped away because happiness saves. Love yourself with all that you can, and remember when everyone else's fall you have the strength to stand!
Jan 2014 · 562
A fool for "love"
Elijah Jimenez Jan 2014
Deep down inside I hate you for what you've done to me, how you made me into the person I never wanted to be. But honestly, it's not me but it was you and that's a tragedy. I've fought so hard for you to realize something real, but even that would never change how you really feel. I've learned a lot about myself through you, knowing I'll never make the same mistake because of you. We all deserve what we've been through and this is my karma coming back because I was a fool. A fool for "love" that I thought I could get, only to hate myself and live in regret. Life goes on with or without the people you thought would always stay, so remember that life can change any day. Breathe deep and take in this life with a smooth flow, making sure that one day happiness will show. Being sad is no longer a feeling I will confide in, but it's a thought that my mind Will no longer let in. You see, we have to let go of the past that haunts us, if we don't it will turn our heart into dust. It will **** us and break us down into nothing, but I refuse to let it happen because one day I want to be something. My scars are my story of all the times life became to much, but me standing tall is my way of saying life I haven't lost my touch. Never give into this world no matter how tough it may be, But stay true to yourself and you'll always be free.
EJJ 1/8/14

— The End —