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 Oct 2014 elias
 Oct 2014 elias
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
 Jul 2012 elias
Sheena Snell
There’s a storm  brewing in the air this night.  Take me by the hand and draw me near, keep me safe from all harm.  I know you’ll do me no wrong.

Eyes burning with fire from within, my body yearns to be in your arms, my lips can taste yours upon mine.  As the rain falls we gaze into one another’s eyes.

The strength of the eyes is a powerful thing.  The windows to the soul as many of people have said.  Hearing the thunder I shudder as you hold me near, your words of comfort touch my soul deep within.

Lighting slicing through the night sky, the rain thrashing against the window, two seconds we tense clinging to one another waiting for the thunder.

After the storm is over we lay in one another’s arms, our eyes bright with exhaustion.  The wind blows gently caressing our bodies through the open window as we slowly fall asleep as the storm dies out.

— The End —