pogo thought they is we -
when the picnic ends in confusion -
and the lemonade is spoiled by ashes.
aristotle thought courage a great virtue -
death a great adventure -
and teaching the highest understanding.
siddhartha thought life is all illusion -
and that we must practice dying -
until we finally understand.
rumi thought death is awakening -
and with his thought turning turning turning -
he danced into the light of understanding.
jesus thought death is new life abundant -
and that he would make us welcome.
credo considers what is -
after considering what is not. this exploration considers death as avatars advise us.
when a dying friend whispered encouragements, i heard these voices.
rumi the eloquent sufi, who understood the mystery of common things as a dizzy turning.
siddhartha, whose turning from comfort to suffering to understanding, made him the buddha.
aristotle, who made western understanding a turning learning
pogo, the pragmatic alter ego of our generation, whose wit describes our own turning turning.
jesus, whose turning turning things as they were, helped us better understand compassion.
we are pals because we love the same poets.