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Elena Visan Mar 2013
You stretch your hand,
Begging for help,
For understanding,
For anything,
For that bit of something.
Outstretched fingers
Grabbing blindly at thin air.

You stretch your hand towards me,
But when I try to catch it,
Your fingers slip out of my grip
Like water…
Written in May, 2009
Elena Visan Mar 2013
And I fly with wings made of dreams,
Riding on the winds of hope,
To a future of fulfilled wishes,
And everlasting happiness and love.
Elena Visan Feb 2013
When was it,
I wonder,
The last time
I felt like this.
When was the last time
I fell in love like this?
When was it last
That someone drove me crazy like this?
With just a smile,
With just a simple touch,
With just your presence,
My heart starts to race.
But I don’t really like it,
The way you so unknowingly
Hold my heart
And break it
Bit by bit.
With a smile on your face.
I hate feeling like this.
So powerless against my feelings,
Even more so
When it comes to yours.
I should be used to it already,
This kind of heartbreak.
In a way, I am.
Yet I’m again powerless
Against my own treacherous heart.
~ January 2010 ~
Elena Visan Feb 2013
~ 好き/嫌い ~

I love your smile.
     I hate it when it's not for me.  
I love your voice.
     I hate it when it's not addressing me.  
I love your eyes.
     I hate it when I can't see myself in them.  
I love your lips.
     I hate that I can't have their kiss.  
I love your hands.
     I hate how they'll never really touch me.  
I love your body.
     I hate how I'll never really feel its warmth.  
I love you.

     I hate how you'll never love me back...
Elena Visan Feb 2013
"Come away"
The ever-young boy says,
"To a world of fantasy,
Of glittering rainbows
And a smiling sun.
Where flowers are in constant bloom
And night is filled with starlight.

Where there are lagoons filled
With ever-playful mermaids,
Where there are pirates
By the shores
And also Indians
Dancing around bonfires.

Where children play the adults,
Though still children they remain,
Forever caught
In an endless game of make-believe."

"Take me there"
I tell the boy
Who seems to be made of sunshine.
"Teach me to ride the wind
And away we'll go
To that faraway, enchanted place,
Second star to the right
And straight on til morning.
To the land
Of forever spring
Where age is timeless
Youth eternal."
Written in February, 2008.
Inspiration: "Peter Pan".

— The End —