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Eleanor Wright Jun 2013
How can I conceal this Toxic mass I am?  

This grotesque infestation,  

Who defiles everything regardless.

So let’s act as though I’m bearable,

And pretend you don’t hate me,  

Because I will always be this.
Eleanor Wright Jun 2013
Of course, you have never considered yourself to be edible! You are probably the most valid being in that tree; not a single one of those thousands feel it like you do.  And why do you feel pleased at them? Is it uncontrollable attraction or perhaps profound admiration?
You don’t understand how this vast community shields you, enabling you to pursue your purpose.
Eating, breeding and avoiding inevitabilities. Do you even belief in death?  Usually, it’s sudden in the moment when terror paralyzes you. And what does one feel at that moment; Fear, regret?  Rarely peace.
Perverted isn't it?  How grief will consume them when you do not return home. Will they search for you periodically? Before continuing to eat, breed and avoid being eaten; repressing their deep sadness forever. What can one do but slowly decay?

— The End —