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Jun 2022 · 326
singing river
Josi Jun 2022
When you're walking past the singing river
It will sing away your sorrows
Take them downstream
Just listen closely
And all of your sorrow will become sweet lullabies
Jun 2022 · 83
what ifs
Josi Jun 2022
what if you would love
without any doubt
what if you would dance
in the middle of the street
just because you feel like it
what if you took every good idea you had
and made the idea real
what if you would believe in yourself
without any doubt
Jun 2022 · 171
changing love
Josi Jun 2022
we love so many people in our lifetime
one greater than the other
but each just as important
we dare to give our heart so freely
as if it was so easy
such grace
this changing love
Jun 2022 · 66
my inner child
Josi Jun 2022
There is a moment in time
You realize
Time is fluid
You can never see time
As the seconds go by
My body slowly shows the signs
With each year that goes by
But my mind
It stays true to my inner child
That little girl
Always looking back at me
Jun 2022 · 113
To a lover
Josi Jun 2022
To a lover
I have lost
Time I have lost
Moments I wish I could still touch
With my fingertips
To a lover
May I meet you again
Jun 2022 · 255
The flower you picked
Josi Jun 2022
To the flower I once picked
You were all the colors combined
You were one of a kind
In the flower bed
You had the brightest light
Feb 2022 · 83
sweet nothingz
Josi Feb 2022
Ease my mind with sweet nothings
Tell me are we bored or is this real affection
Cause I know easy come and easy go
But tell me
Have I wasted my feelings on your changing love
Josi Feb 2022
In the sun
she lets the wind flow

On a rainy day
she let's her tears flow

Her figure is the shadow
of someone lonely

Inspired by Anthony C
Oct 2020 · 57
Affairs of the heart
Josi Oct 2020
I've pillowed your head
All the way back from Paris to Berlin
Hypnotized by the trains speed moving trees
And watched the fallen strand of hair on your beautiful face
I haven't moved once
Too scared to change this perfect view
Oct 2020 · 42
A primrose poem
Josi Oct 2020
Passion comes and passion goes
That's when time really slows
When your tears soak the pillow your head lies upon
Oh you'll know, then you'll know

Well, fact is I've cried an ocean over you
Always looking in a retrospective view
Even the rivers have dried out
At least the ones I see, maybe natures way of telling me?

A coping mechanism to tell you it was real
When all there is left are these beautiful memories
The good and the bad ones I cherish oh so dear
Truth is there's often more to a story than the pure eye can see
Sep 2020 · 49
Where we meet again
Josi Sep 2020
Oh baby I saw you in the falling rain
I saw you through my pouring tears
I saw you in the suburbs
And my smile began to grow
Oh baby where we meet again
I don't know
Sep 2020 · 34
Sad day
Josi Sep 2020
My love is one day old
And today is a rainy day
Today is a ******* heavy day
Today is a sad day if I let it be
My love is one day old
And I'm happy
Right here, stretched like a starfish on the living room floor
Sep 2020 · 44
remind yourself
Josi Sep 2020
Love is complex. And for some it can be easier to not fall in love than to fall in love.

Because we'll be anxious fearing the worst, I'll be anxious, even when everything is alright and it's just in my heavy head.

The word for it might be sensitive, I try to predict the worst, and when the worst doesn't come I still find a way to end something good.

It's ok.
You're ok.
I'm ok.
Remind me.
Apr 2020 · 60
where it's comfortable
Josi Apr 2020
I've been thinking about you

and I still care for you and then some

even, after you've hurt me in a nightmare

or when my fear becomes reality

my love,

you've been a pillow for me head

you've cheered me on when needed

and you'll always be where it's comfortable
Oct 2019 · 80
Vanilla Dreams
Josi Oct 2019
A little bit of makeup isn't bad right
At least when I take it off at night

Now I look in the mirror my face all clean
A little less happy it might seem

The concealer hid my sunken eyes
My small lips I could overline

A little less pretty I now feel
Now I don't look like in the magazines

You see we girls like to please
But these, are no vanilla dreams!
Jun 2019 · 72
mend and break
Josi Jun 2019
You stroked my skin
Kissed my cheeks so passionately
Led me to believe there could be something
You mended my broken heart
Just to tear it up again
May 2019 · 77
Half set summer sun
Josi May 2019
I've been counting the days

For that half set summer sun

I'll be sleeping under candy cotton skies

When June 1st comes around
May 2019 · 110
If there was no tomorrow
Josi May 2019
If there was no tomorrow

I'd tell you how much I care about you

If there was no tomorrow

I would kiss you until I'm out of oxygen

If there was no tomorrow

I'd tell you I miss you every time you're not here

If there was no tomorrow

Maybe we would be less scared of today
May 2019 · 238
Left the chat
Josi May 2019
I've been living in my screen
I've texted every morning, every evening
I was blind
I was so lonely inside
I was disconnected
and then I left the chat
May 2019 · 163
expired dreams
Josi May 2019
I wish I could tell you
How cruel this world can be
Prepare you for a lifetime of expired dreams
May 2019 · 437
Josi May 2019
Smile, when you feel like smiling

Scream, when you feel like screaming

Dance, when you feel like dancing

Cry, when you feel like crying

Ignore, what society says

Time is limited, don't waste it
May 2019 · 90
A broken view
Josi May 2019
You walked past countless people

Walked fast without looking twice

Brushed the body of someone

Who'll be gone by the end of night
May 2019 · 246
When & where
Josi May 2019
Inhale love
When you're down
Exhale pain
Where you leave it to die
Always remember
Everything will be ok
May 2019 · 338
Fantasy's monopoly
Josi May 2019
My fantasy is a torn up town
When your driving by
Can't help but wonder
What it could've looked like
Apr 2019 · 225
Josi Apr 2019
I'm the wildfire

You can never tame

I'm the sound

In the waves crashing down

I'm the silence

You can break but not touch
Apr 2019 · 114
Late Nights
Josi Apr 2019
Nothing stays

Make sure to breath it in

Every emotion

Every person

Every lonely late night

Coming your way
Apr 2019 · 128
A Loveless Encyclopaedia
Josi Apr 2019
Two words

So far apart

Yet so close

You know them well

Hate and love
Apr 2019 · 135
where we end up
Josi Apr 2019
Mouth to mouth

Where we begin

Laughing until the morning sun comes up


that's not where we end up

— The End —