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Josi Feb 2022
In the sun
she lets the wind flow

On a rainy day
she let's her tears flow

Her figure is the shadow
of someone lonely

Inspired by Anthony C
Josi Oct 2020
I've pillowed your head
All the way back from Paris to Berlin
Hypnotized by the trains speed moving trees
And watched the fallen strand of hair on your beautiful face
I haven't moved once
Too scared to change this perfect view
Josi Oct 2020
Passion comes and passion goes
That's when time really slows
When your tears soak the pillow your head lies upon
Oh you'll know, then you'll know

Well, fact is I've cried an ocean over you
Always looking in a retrospective view
Even the rivers have dried out
At least the ones I see, maybe natures way of telling me?

A coping mechanism to tell you it was real
When all there is left are these beautiful memories
The good and the bad ones I cherish oh so dear
Truth is there's often more to a story than the pure eye can see
Josi Sep 2020
Oh baby I saw you in the falling rain
I saw you through my pouring tears
I saw you in the suburbs
And my smile began to grow
Oh baby where we meet again
I don't know
Josi Sep 2020
My love is one day old
And today is a rainy day
Today is a ******* heavy day
Today is a sad day if I let it be
My love is one day old
And I'm happy
Right here, stretched like a starfish on the living room floor
Josi Sep 2020
Love is complex. And for some it can be easier to not fall in love than to fall in love.

Because we'll be anxious fearing the worst, I'll be anxious, even when everything is alright and it's just in my heavy head.

The word for it might be sensitive, I try to predict the worst, and when the worst doesn't come I still find a way to end something good.

It's ok.
You're ok.
I'm ok.
Remind me.
Josi Apr 2020
I've been thinking about you

and I still care for you and then some

even, after you've hurt me in a nightmare

or when my fear becomes reality

my love,

you've been a pillow for me head

you've cheered me on when needed

and you'll always be where it's comfortable
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