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Some girls say a boy is considered a fish, and that there are a lot of fish in the sea. Well, I just lost my "fish"... And when I did my head was spinning and i got sick. Death is a quick thing, you never know when it is going to happen. Then when my friends saw that I was sad they told me there were a lot of fish in the sea and when I responded I said, "Well... I'm a whale and i'm hungry"
 Feb 2013 Elaiza Banasig
If all the world's a stage
and I am not an actress...
(c) Brooke Otto
You're not your body.
You're not your mind.
You're not your own,
and you are not mine

I'm not my heart,
my fleeting mirth,
my hidden tears,
my death, my birth.

We're not the world's
and it's not ours.
We can not own
the earth and flowers.
We can't sell the groves of trees,
we can't buy the land and seas.

Yet our hands build cities,
and our hands spill blood.
Our greed yields envy
while our hearts seek love.

Let us hope
that someday, we
can let it go
and simply be.
I've found myself in a place of supreme peace recently, and it came from the realization that nothing is really ours.  Even our bodies, minds and thoughts are simply tools we can sharpen and use to some purpose, but they aren't ours.  They're just close to home.  Then it becomes clear that this box of tools is calling the shots, drawing the blueprints of our lives, my tricking us into thinking we are the tools themselves, and we get caught up in this cycle of endless wants, this attachment to possessions because we somehow think that identifying with property will make us happy.  None of that's true.

What's left when all those things disappear, and we've nothing left to own?  Love and compassion.  Everything else is just an instrument to spread that love.
 Feb 2013 Elaiza Banasig
I witnessed a death today
It was strange and silent
There was no pain or screams
No illness or disease
The stillness of the body
And the calmness of the mind
Dimness of the light
And the coolness of the breeze
A stranger kept smiling at me
He came close, so close
The light became brighter
My soul stopped burning
It became so cold
I witnessed a death today
(Genesis, xxii.14)

The saints should never be dismay'd,
Nor sink in hopeless fear;
For when they least expect His aid,
The Saviour will appear.

This Abraham found: he raised the knife;
God saw, and said, "Forbear!
Yon ram shall yield his meaner life;
Behold the victim there."

Once David seem'd Saul's certain prey;
But hark! the foe's at hand;
Saul turns his arms another way,
To save the invaded land.

When Jonah sunk beneath the wave,
He thought to rise no more;
But God prepared a fish to save,
And bear him to the shore.

Blest proofs of power and grace divine,
That meet us in His word!
May every deep-felt care of mine
Be trusted with the Lord.

Wait for His seasonable aid,
And though it tarry, wait:
The promise may be long delay'd,
But cannot come too late.
 Feb 2013 Elaiza Banasig
You weren't the first thing
on my mind
when I woke up this morning.
My eyes fluttered open,
and for the first time,
in a long time,
my thoughts didn't
automatically float to you,
as if on cue.
I fear you're fading from my memory,
one soft kiss at a time.
Illuminated by a dream.
Drawings on the wall
Writings on your back
Hiding away in abstract thought.
Pastel colors and vintage photographs and Levi Jeans ads.
Dusty records on the floor of your room with the slanted walls
Hibernating on the roof
Looking over the city
Like the hero of Gotham
See the world through someone else’s eyes.
See the way you live.
Merge. Connection.
Binnocularing into the future.
Bird watching peeping tomming.
Conjoining what’s real and what is just what it seems.
Edgar, it is just a dream.
Earth, Moon and global Pangaea.
The world is my canvas and now so are you.
Why do you look at me like that?
You make me want to write.
I can’t stop looking at you too.
You have rendered me useless
All I’m focused on is those blue eyes
Staring so intently at me
Fixated on me and only me
Hey, I’m talking to you,
Cowbell tamboureen percussion section cowboy.
You burn with a fire from the sun.
This one's an old one from my Bohemian days. (aka like, 9 months ago). It's funny what's important to us then and what's important to us now.

— The End —