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 May 2015 EJ Kipp
Nicole Corea
There's a tree that rest in middle of forest. 
A beautiful evergreen tree  
Just as shiny and precious as a Jade.
 May all the seasons change ,
Let it rain ,storm, snow, and shine.
 The beautiful evergreen tree still
Stands just as shiny as a full moon
on a midsummer night.
It's so astonishing to glare.
This rare Evergreen Tree .

A beautiful Blue Jay Bird
An striking blue bird colored like the ocean .
Fierce bird as the tormenting waves .
A bird call of heaven
 So sweet , adorable
    Migrating to post to post.
   The blue jay sway into
    The evergreen tree.
    It tweeted on its delicate branch.
A beautiful humming tune , sound of the heavens
  Slowly it cured the tiny imperfections
             that linger around the tree.

             An impeccable romance

             A beautiful bond establish.
               May the seasons change .
Thunderstorm, Snow, Hurricanes ,Tsunami 
The evergreen tree will glow sanely
Under the moonlight always waiting
for the Blue Jay to visit
To listen for the humming tune of a romance
Under the deep moonlight on a midsummer night

          **Blue Jay & Evergreen Tree

— The End —